Fun night (Not smut, just killing)

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Hello, my little demons! I am thinking of updating the cover for our story, so if you have any ideas, please let me know! (Either share it in the comments or DM me)

3rd person: 

Angel woke up around 3:15 in the morning, only to find Alastor sitting up on his side. "Smiles?" Alastor whipped around to face him, with his glowing eyes. "Oh, unholy fuck-" Angel said. "Frick, I mean... Sorry." Alastor shook his head. "It's quite alright, dear." Angel got out of bed and noticed how tall he had gotten. "Shi-oot." He said and walked over to the mirror. "Welp, we're demons again." Angel sighed. "I was just getting used to being short too." Alastor walked up next to him. "Lovely." He said in a dry tone. Angel nodded, then walked over to the notepad the hotel had provided. "What time did you get up?" Alastor looked at him. "Um, right at three I believe. Might I ask why?" Angel wrote down 3:00 on the notepad. "Just wondering...For now at least." He put the pen down, then proceeded to walk over to the door to put the do not disturb sign on the door. He opened the door ever so slightly to put it on the handle, not wanting any human walking by to see him. "Al, do you mind making sure the blinds are closed?" Alastor nodded and made sure they were closed, just as Angel had asked. "Oh blast." He said, looking up. "What?" Alastor pointed up. "A secret camera. I must've missed it when I was sweeping the room the first time around." Angel sighed. "Well Smiles, you up for a quick kill?" Alastor sighed. "Thought you'd never ask." Alastor took his mic and used the end of it to bust the camera out.

"This way." Alastor held his hand out, and Angel took it. "Where are we going?" Alastor laughed and teleported them to where the cameras were being looked at. "Figured it wasn't a part of the official hotel surveillance," Angel said, and gently let go of Al's hand. "W-Woah. How di-i-d you t-wo get in h-h-" Angel cut him off. "Calm down, you perv. Smiles, would you like to do the honors?" Angel looked over to Alastor. "With pleasure, darling. Now, should we do quick and painful, or long and painful?" Angel laughed, then yawned. "I would love a long sesh, but I'm really tired, so if you just wanna slit his throat and go back to bed that would be fantastic." Alastor nodded, but instead of just sliding the poor man's throat, he decided to show off to Angel, and pull a fun little stunt, consisting of riping the poor man open, spilling blood and guts all over the place. Angel bent down and picked up the dead man's stopped heart. "Would you mind holding onto that for me?" Angel nodded. "No problem." Alastor smiled and grabbed one of Angels' hands. "Back to the hotel?" Angel giggled and nodded. 

"That. Was. AWESOME." Angel said, laying down on their bed. "It was quite exhilarating," Alastor said, trying to make it seem like making a man's organs and blood rain down was just a normal thing for him. "Why did you want me to keep this?" Angel held the heart out. "Ah, yes. Let's put that in a private spot for now." Angel laughed. "Probably wouldn't be something we should have just laying around." Alastor gave a small chuckle as he took the heart from Angel and made it disappear. "Mind giving me the time?" Angel said gently closing his eyes. "3:59." Angel opened his eyes. "One minute." Alastor sat down next to him. "One minute for what, mi Amor (My love)?" Angel looked over at him. "Back to human...At least I think." Alastor thought for a moment. "What makes you say that?" Angel sighs. "3 a.m. is known as 'the devil's hour'." Alastor met his gaze. "That's brilliant. It makes sense too." Angel laughed. "I figured you would get it." Just as he said that starting at their feet, they turned back to humans. "Well looks like I was right...Now can I please have some clothes?" Alastor immediately looked away and nodded. "Probably best." Angel snickered "I've said it once, and I'll say it again. You have great style." Alastor laughed. "I really don't do much. I just think of what would look good on you, not saying there's anything that wouldn't suit you, of course, you'd look phenomenal in anything, but I really just give you something that fits your style." Angel gave him a warm smile. "You're cute, Al." Alastor looked over at him and turned pink. "Uh, thank you?" Angel chuckled. "Night smiles." Angel leaned over and gave him a small kiss on the cheek, turning Alastor even pinker. "Yeah, you too." Angel got under the covers and laid down. "Maintenant sors de la couverture, souteneur rouge. (Now get off of the blanket, you red pimp.)" Alastor gave him a gentle laugh and stood up. "Desole Cherie. (Sorry darling.)"  He said quietly, then got under the blankets himself, quickly falling asleep.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Sorry, it was kind of all over the place, I'm really tired. I love you my little demons <3

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