Meeting Molly

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Hello, my little demons! We're back! Sorry, I haven't posted on this story in a while, I've been really busy. Here goes the next chapter!

3rd person:

"What do you mean?" Alastor was confused. "Well in my family, we all had special roles to fill. My sisters being smarts. She was always researching something, and if I know my sister as well as I think I do, she'll have some sort of explanation." Alastor smiled. "Very well then, if you think your sister can help us, then we shouldn't waste any more time." Angel nodded and put real clothes on. "Let's go see my sister, I guess." 

Angel and Alastor walked downstairs and into the main lobby. "Where the fuck you two lovebirds going?" Husk asked. "To see my sister," Angel said simply. "Why is Al going with you?" Angel looked back at him. "Why? You jealous?" Husk groaned and went back to opening a new bottle of cheap booze. Angel smiled and continued to walk out of the hotel, Alastor trailing close behind. "So what's your sister like?" Angel shook his head. "Insane. You know how I flirt with pretty much everyone? Yeah, well useless knowledge is her flirting." Alastor nodded. "She sounds...Nice." Angel laughed. "You don't have to pretend to like my family. I don't like any of them, and I can only kind of stand Molly." Alastor cocked his head. "Molly?" Angel nodded again. "Yeah, she's the only one in our family that kept her name...At least that I know of. I don't really talk to Ara anymore." Alastor thought for a minute. "Ara is your older brother?" Angel nodded. "Yeah, real ass. Sorry-" Alastor shook his head. "No, it's alright. I may not enjoy cussing, but it is something that people do a lot here in hell." Angel laughs. "Tell me about it! People are like Marins (Sailors) here." Alastor gestures with his finger. "I meant to ask you, how many languages do you know?" Angel smirks. "Get ready for this. I know 367, give or take, I'm fluent in 94 of them, and my first language isn't English in fact, it's french." Alastor returns his normal creepy smile back to his face as they near people, and looks over to Angel. "Wow, je suis impressionne. (Wow, I'm impressed). Angel gives a satisfied sigh. "Tu? (You)" Alastor thinks for a minute. "I know about 64, I'm frequent in just about all of them, and my first language is English." Angel smiles. "Nice." Alastor furrows his eyebrow. "Wait, if you lived in New York, then how is your first language french?" Angel shrugs. "I dunno. Like you know, I was raised in the Mafia, so my dad probably wanted a language that wasn't as well known in the U.S." Alastor gave an approving look. "I don't think I like your father, but I do believe that is a good idea. Now, I have a question for you." Angel looked up. "Are we really doing the round-robin sh-stuff again?" Alastor nods. "Okay fine, shoot," Angel says. "If you were in New York, how did you know about my killings all the way in New Orleans?" Angel smilies. "In the mafia, you gotta go from place to place. Our main HQ was in New York, but we had other places all over. I usually got put on the New Orleans killings, just because I knew that town like the back of my hand. I would always have the walkie-talkie on the chat channel, but sometimes, on my long stakeouts, I would change the channel to listen to a guy talk about your killings." Alastor smiled. "Do you remember what channel you would tune to?" Angel nodded. "Chanel 96.5" Alastor chuckled. "That was my station for a while." Angel gasped. "I sure as fu-freak hope not." Alastor tilted his head. "Why is that?" Angel laughed. "I always thought that guy sounded hot." They both laugh, and Alastor rubs his neck. "I guess the static kind of takes away the calming human sound in my voice." Angel pats Al's shoulder. "You sound fine, Smilies." Alastor widened his smile even more, and Angel gave him a happy warm one. As they walked, they talked about other things, like how crazy it was that Angel used to listen to Al on the radio.

When they got to Molly's place, Angel knocked on the door, and a small little robot eye popped out of the door. "Who is it?" Angel rolled his eyes "Ton free, Molls. (Your brother, Molls)" The eye gave a small sequel before retracting back into the door. "Annie!" Angel smiled as his sister opened the door. "Hey, sis." Molly gave Angel a quick hug. "Who in the nine circles of hell is that?" Angel looked over at Alastor. "The names Alastor, dear." Molly's smile widened. "Nice to meet you, Alastor! You must be Annie's boyfriend!" Alastor turned a faint shade of pink. "N-no, I'm just a friend." Molly's smiled dropped a bit. "Oh, I see. Well, come in!" Angel leaned over and whispered to Alastor, "Sorry." Alastor shook his head. "It's quite alright, mi amour. (My love)" 

Thank you so much for reading, and I PROMISE that there will be a chapter here within the next week! I love you my little demons <3

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