The song

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Hi my little demons!!! I'm not posting to get my mind off of anything, I just love writing this story. So umm... yeah! I love you all, and I hope you enjoy the story! (Sorry if all the title changes are throwing anyone off! I can't thing of a good fucking name.) :')

3rd person:

Around thirty minutes after Angel passed out, Alastor left to his room, feeling really embarrassed. "What was I thinking?!?" Alastor was quietly talking to himself when Niffty walked by. "What do you mean Alastor?" Niffty caught Alastor off guard. "Oh- err...Nothing" Niffty wanted to know, but she was tired, so she nodded and went to her closet. "Night Alastor!" Niffty closed her door. "Same to you Niffty." Alastor walked on to his room and laid down for sleep, though he wasn't tired. He did close his eyes for about an hour, until something awoke him. It sounded like singing. It was annoying, so he went to check it out. He was making his way down the stairs when he ran into Angel coming back up. "What are you doing up?" Angel could barley keep his eyes open. "Charlie's singing and she told me to come down to hear her. Vaggie's down here too." Alastor looked around the corner at Charlie standing on the dining room table, with an old karaoke. "And where are you going?" Angel smirked. "My coffee is still brewing, so I'm goin' to get some disc's for that thing up in my room." Alastor was surprised Angel music for it. "What exactly is it?" Angel rolled his eyes. "I'll be back in a few minutes, so wait till I come back, or come with me. Either way I'll tell ya." Alastor tagged along with Angel up to his room, learning about the contraption. They got to Angel's room, and we're both laughing. "So that thing is for singing?" Angel nodded. "wow-" Angel laughed harder. "I know, right?" They calmed down as Angel grabbed the disc's. 'Okay, now let's get back downstairs." Alastor nodded, and the two of them walked back. "ANGEL DO YOU HAVE THE DISCS???" Charlie was all too excited about it. "Yeah girly. Now relax your face." Angel giggled as Charlie took the disc's and put one in the machine. "Which one you singing babe?" Vaggie walked over and asked Charlie. "This one seems nice!" Charlie yelled as she hit a button. Angel had just finished pouring his coffee when he heard the start. As soon as it came on, he dropped his cup and ran out. Charlie was getting ready to sing, and the lyrics to 'My neck, my back' popped up on the screen. "All you ladies pop your pus-" Angel stopped the song. "CHARLIE NOT THIS DISC!" Vaggie was covering her mouth, trying not to laugh, while Alastor was having a small panic. "Try this one-" Angel said as he put a disc for 'Top Disney hits' "Ooooo! Part of your world seems nice!" Charlie hit the button and starting singing the song. "There we go..." Angel said walking back to the kitchen to get a new cup of coffee. Meanwhile, Alastor was re playing the events of what happened in his mind. Angel walked back and sat on the table that was pushed against the wall. When Charlie finished, she ran over to Vaggie. "Your turn!" Vaggie chuckled. "Ok. Hey I'll sing 'Can you feel the love tonight'. How about that?" Charlie squealed. "Yesss babe!" Vaggie smiled and started singing. Alastor looked around the room and locked eyes with Angel (Again). Angel smiled, and looked back over to the adorable couple. Alastor kept looking at Angel, noticing how happy Angel seems at this moment. Vaggie finished and she got a standing ovation from Charlie and Angel. "Bravo" Angel said. "Your turn Angel!" Angel's heat dropped. "Ha. You don't want that hon. Trust me." Charlie gave him sweet little puppy dog eyes. Angel sighed. "Oh fine." Charlie did a little dance. "Don't get your hopes up!" Charlie tried to calm down and nodded. Angel sighed again, and walked up to the little machine. He stopped for a moment and popped out the Disney disc. Charlie and Vaggie shared a confused look. Angel smirked and put in the 90's hits disc. "What song Angel?" Charlie asked. "Genie in a bottle..." Angel said, trying not to cringe at himself. Everyone's eyes went wide. "Oh lucifer... Don't look at me like that-" Angel hit play. "Welp- no way to turn back now..." Angel took a ready stance, and went along with the music. Alastor's jaw dropped. Vaggie looked at Charlie with shock. Angel finished the song. "That was fun! I'm glad you found this Charlie." Angel turned around to everyone just staring at him. "I told ya guys that I'm not good." No one said a word. "Well okay then... Goodnight guys!" Angel walked out of the room and went up to his room. After that Charlie said something. "NO WONDER HIS NAME IS ANGEL!" Vaggie laughed and nodded. "You have a point. He has some real talent. What do you think Al." Alastor just stood there. "il est parfait-" (He is perfect) The girls we're confused, but didn't ask. "Well goodnight Al" Charlie said. Her and Vaggie went back up to their room. Alastor shook out of his trans, and went back upstairs. But he stopped when he got to the landing. Alastor turned and kept walking. Angel on the other hand, was in his room, finishing his coffee. humming softly. Suddenly there was a knock at his door. "Comin'!" Angel put on his robe, and answered the door. "Hey Smiles. what's up?" Alastor stood there for a moment thinking about what he wanted to do, which was kiss him, but he didn't want to ruin their friendship. "Nothing dear, I just wanted to come and check on you." Angel smiled, but that quickly faded as his phone rang. "It's Valentino again, isn't it?" Alastor walked into the room and walked over to Angel who was about to answer the phone. "Dear no!" But it was too late. Angel picked up the phone. "ahhh Hello Angelcakes baby...." Angel had out it on speaker, but didn't say anything. Alastor went and closed the door. He walked back and knelled next to Angel who was sitting on his knees. "Listen slut... I hope you answer me... I'm mad at you... so very mad at you... in fact.... I think I'll come and kill your friend now..." Angel gasped. "NO YOU FUCK FACED ASSHOLE!" Alastor felt a wave of shock go over him. He didn't like cussing, but he didn't stop Angel. "Oh you whore... Apologize to daddy...NOW..." Angel winced at Val's words, but kept his ground. "Listen here you sick bitch. You'll stay the fuck away from me and my friends. And don't refer to yourself as daddy. It's not sexy or hot at all. In fact, it makes me not want to come into work tomorrow, and suck your pissy lotion tasting dick. Your a low life fuck, that doesn't deserve shit." Angel felt terrified. "NOW YOU LISTEN HERE YOU SL-" Angel hung up the phone. "oh shut the hell up." Alastor just sat there. On the floor. "Sorry Smiles! I know you don't like cussing, but I needed to get that out." Alastor chuckled a bit. "I'll let it slide, just this once." Angel smiled and gave Alastor a hug. Alastor hugged back. "Oh no..." Angel let go and fell back on his floor. "What is it dear?" Alastor laid back on the floor, propping himself up on his elbow. "Work..." Angel said.

I hope you enjoyed all of these extra chapters! I love you all so much! And yes I might be adding a lot more chapters per week. :) Have a great Day/Night, and just know that you can do whatever you put your mind to. It could be as simple as a test, or as big as becoming a famous singer. I know you can do it. Sorry that was sappy as fuck, but I know that you might need to hear it. Ok, I'm done now. Bye!!!!

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