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Angel's POV:

I've been in a good mood all day. Well mainly cuz' I get a day away from my job. Don't get me wrong, I love the sex, but my boss, Val, just makes it hell...in hell. As I told Alastor, I only get a day or two off every decade or so. I get two sick days in the span of five years, then I get two more. If I don't use both in the five years I have, well then they go to shit, I don't get no extra day or nothin'. If I miss more than two days in five years, I get punished, way worse than I already do. So yeah, I'm using today as an advantage.

3rd person:

Angel was relaxing on the couch and looked at the time. "11:10." He said to himself. "I guess I could start making lunch for everyone." So he got up and went into the kitchen. "How do we have no food?" Angel sighed and went upstairs to get dressed. He ran into Alastor on the way up. "Hi Smiles" Angel said walking by. "Hel-" Alastor was cut off. "Bye Smiles" Angel said as he made his way up the stairs. Alastor watched the stairs for a moment the looked away. "Hello Angel." He said. After a moment he walked into the lobby where Charlie and Vaggie were cuddling, and he sighed. "What's wrong Al?" Charlie asked looking over at him. "Nothing dear! Perfectly fine as always." He said with his usual smile on his face. After a moment Alastor got up to go to the bathroom. (He didn't have to go. He never did.) When he got to the bathroom he looked in the mirror at his yellow smile. After a moment his smile faded and turned into a small frown. He took a deep breathe, and gave himself a little pep talk, looking right in his bloody red eyes.

Angel's POV:

I'm in my room. With all of the slutty clothes you could ever want. And Fat Nuggets of course, but I feel alone. I look through the piles and piles of my 'clothes' if that's what you'd call these skimpy shirts and shorts. I found the least sluttiest sweater I had (It was black with a flower pride flag). And a pair of jean shorts. When I was dressed I looked in the mirror I smiled for once. I put my usual black boots because why the fuck not. I run downstairs because I felt confidant for once. I decided to run into the bathroom to check myself out one more time.

3rd person:

As Angel approached the bathroom he heard someone talking. It was quiet and he couldn't quite make it out, but it sounded like someone was in there. "Hello?" Angel said as he opened the door. Alastor was standing gripping the sides of the sink, looking himself straight in the eye. No emotion showed on his face, no smile either. "Smiles? You ok?" Angel looked at him for a second, but Alastor didn't seem to notice him. Angel walked up to Alastor and hesitantly put a hand on his shoulder. Alastor looked down into the sink as soon as Angel touched him, but he still showed no emotion. "Smiles?" Angel asked a little panic in his voice. "Alastor!" He yelled. Alastor shot straight up and looked over at Angel. "Why hello the-" He looked at Angel and saw what he was wearing. Alastor blushed a tiny bit, but Angel didn't notice. "Hey there smiles." Angel said smiling. "I'm going to the market down the street to get food. We have none here." Alastor looked at Angel directly in the eyes. "Be careful." He said putting a smile back on his face. Angel giggled. "Well I was gonna ask if ya wanted to come." Alastor thought about it for a moment, but he knew he wanted to go. "Why not. I could clear my head." Alastor said after a moment of 'thinking'. Angel smiled and walked out pf the bathroom. Alastor closely behind. As they approached the lobby, Angel saw Charlie and Vaggie asleep snuggling on the couch. "shh..." Angel put one finger up to his lips, and another pointing at the cute couple on the couch. Alastor sat quiet behind a corner next to Angel waiting for further instructions. Angel smiled after a minute and grabbed Alastor's hand. Alastor blushed, but didn't say anything. "Follow my lead." Angel whispered over. Alastor nodded as Angel slowly started to walk in a very strange way, but Alastor did as he was told and did exactly as Angel said. When they got to the door the spider let go of Alastor's hand and started messing with the turning doors. In about ten seconds Angel had managed to get the doors to stop squeaking so they could walk through to get outside. They walked side by side not saying a word until Alastor broke the silence. "So what was that about?" Angel looked over at him and smiled. "I know exactly where the floor squeaks, and I've learned how to avoid it if necessary." Angel studied Alastor's face which was hard to do, then laughed. "I'm serious." He said. Alastor smiled wider. "I'm proud." Angel laughed harder. "Thanks Smiles."

Sorry if I use And and But a lot. I don't have a big vocabulary. :)

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