The Market

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Just real quick before the story starts I just want to apologize for how many spelling errors there are. As you can tell, I'm shit at this so yeah. Oh and sorry I haven't posted.

Angels POV:

Me and Smiles we're walking down the street and having a surprisingly normal conversation. I mean I'd expect a lecture on me sneaking out or somethin, but hey, I'm not complaining. "Wait how did you fix the door squeak?" I just looked at him and smiled "A man has his secrets." He looked at me funny, which I felt a little turned on by if I'm gonna be completely honest. I mean just the way he looks at me confused with his eyebrow raised. It's kinda hot. But I can't let them know that so I return the look as best as I can. I break out laughing because I can't take the way he's just looking at me, And shortly he laughed along with me.

3rd person:

Alastor and Angel laughed for a while on their way to the market. When they calmed down they walked in silence for a while and then Angel covered his mouth. "What's wrong An-" Alastor was cut off by Angel covering his mouth. Alastor was pissed. He couldn't believe that someone had shushed him and he wanted to know why. Before Alastor could start yelling Angel pushed him into an alleyway. "WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?" Alastor yelled at Angel who was hiding in a corner. Angel was on the verge of tears and Alastor thought it was his fault. Alastor looked at him and his tone softened, "Angel I-I I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell at you." Alastor sat next who Angel who was just sitting there. "It's not your fault, Smiles." Angel said with a small smile. Alastor looked confused, but didn't say anything. "My boss is over there." Angel motioned with his head towards the tall moth across the street. Alastor sat there for a moment studding Angel's face and then cupped his hand around it pulling Angels face towards him until Valentino passed. Angel blushed hard when Alastor did that, but his hands were warm, and he didn't pull back. Alastor let go of Angel's face after a minute, and they both sighed. "So he's that bad?" Alastor looked over at Angel who nodded very fast. Alastor smiled at Angel who had tears forming in his eyes. Alastor pulled Angel in close and let Angel rest his head on his shoulder. They sat there for what felt like hours and then Angel looked at his phone. "Shit!" He yelled and jolted up. "What is it dear?" Alastor asked in a worried tone. "It's 12! I'm supp -" Angel stopped talking and looked over at Alastor "What did you call me?" He asked and smirked. Alastor froze in place. "Umm... Dear?" Alastor turned a deep red and looked away. "Aww Smiles!" Angel said with a giggle. "Your sweet" Angel walked over to Alastor and gave him a peck on the cheek. "You should get back to the hotel. Charlie just texted me and she needs your help, and don't worry I'll be fine." Angel walked out of the alley and turned the corner to the market.

Alastor's POV:

I stood there for a while to contemplate what just happened. I went back to the hotel because Angel said Charlie needed me. As I walked back I heard a scream, and just figured it was some random person who just died. It happens a lot.

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