The possibility of lunch

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Hello my demons! Is that weird? Oh well, that's what I'll call you! I'm sorry it's taken me a while to update, I've been out of town, and I'm struggling in school a bit, so I haven't really had time. To make it up to you, I'll make this chapter extra long! I love you my demons!

Alastor's POV:

I heard a scream on my way back to the hotel. I was worried that it was Angel, so I stopped and wondered if I should turn back and check. But if it wasn't him, then he'll think that I'm soft. Then again, if it was him, then I wouldn't be there for him and who knows what would happen then... After contemplating my options, I decided that I would give him until 3 p.m. to come back, and if he isn't back by then, I'll go out looking for him. I nodded to myself, and walked on towards the hotel, which was quieter than the walk there.

3rd person:

When Alastor got back to the hotel, Charlie and Vaggie were awake, but still cuddling on the couch. Charlie looked over at the normal door. "Hey Al!" Alastor was surprised at the shocking welcome. "Oh, hello Charlie. Vaggie." Vaggie nodded back to Alastor, as if saying hello back. "I didn't hear you leave Alastor, where did you go?" Charlie and Vaggie were now sitting up, looking over the back of the couch. "I went with Angel to the market." Alastor looked at the girls. Vaggies bow was messed up, and Charlie's hair was crazier than the Stock Market Crash of 1922, and that's what Alastor focused on. Charlie looked at him playfully. Then both girls oohhhed. (You know, what the kids would do in third grade when a guy and a girl got parried as partners.) Alastor looked at them and mumbled something under his breath. "What was that?" Vaggie asked. "Nothing." Alastor said with some annoyance in his voice. "Wait so if you and Angel went together, then why did you come back alone?" Carlie asked sharing glance with Vaggie, which Alastor caught. "He wanted to get some new clothes, and it just too boring and un-eventful for me. So no, I didn't kill him." Alastor felt bad about lying to them, but he remembered Angel saying he wanted lunch to be a special secret. Charlie and Vaggie changed the subject quickly and after a while, they went to start their shift.

Since Alastor was just contributing for his amusement, he didn't a real job there, so he waited on the same couch that Charlie and Vaggie took a nap on, waiting for Angel to come back. He looked at the time. "12:37" he said to himself, and decided to take a nap. (I know he doesn't actually sleep, but for this purpose, he does)

After about a hour and a half, Alastor heard something in his ear. It sounded like someone was whispering his name. His eyes shot open and he looked behind him. He didn't see anyone, but he was already up. He looked at the time. "1:45" Alastor sat there for a moment before getting up. He turned around and went to fluff up the pillow he was laying on. As soon as he bent down to grab the pillow, someone shot up from behind the couch and yelled "BOO!" Alastor fell back on the coffee table, and held himself with his elbows. It took a moment for his eyes to focus, but as soon as they did, he saw Angel standing there snickering. "Are ya ok, smiles?" he asked making his way over to Alastor, trying to contain himself. Angel got to him and offered him a few hands. Alastor took them and got up. "I'm fine, thank you." Alastor said trying to keep from laughing. It was pretty funny, and Angel did a surprisingly good job hiding his presents. Angel let out a large laugh after Alastor responded. After a moment Alastor chuckled along with him. "Unholy shit Smiles, are you actually laughing?" Angel asked in-between giggles. "I suppose I am" Alastor didn't even mind that Angel scared him, or that he cursed. Angel finally calmed down and walked over to behind the couch, and bent down. Alastor walked over slowly, wondering what was happening. "Ya gonna just stare at my ass, or are you going to help me take the food into the kitchen?" Angel snickered as Alastor blushed and turned the same color as his coat. "Right of course!" Alastor walked around Angel, and picked up the remainder of the food. Angel had gotten most of it, considering he had four arms to carry them with. They made their way to the kitchen, and Angel started preparing lunch. "Hey smiles, do me a favor and reach into that bag!" Angel asked Alastor. "Sure..." Alastor was skeptical, considering what Angel had just done to him. "Don't worry, I don't mess around in the kitchen when I'm working." Alastor seemed a little more confident reaching into the bag when Angel told him that. Once Alastor grabbed the box, he pulled it out and stood there awkwardly waiting for further instruction. "Now open it." Angel said smiling. Alastor opened it and a giant strawberry with a little face popped out. Alastor jumped. Angel laughed at looked back at him. "You're so trusting of me. It's worrying." Angel smiled at him. Alastor wanted to go complete killer on Angel for lying to him, but he couldn't. "Feel free to keep it if you want. If you don't want it, just throw it away. The real thing I need you to get is the cayenne. Same bag." Angel went back to working, and Alastor handed it to him. "Thanks smiles" Angel went back to cooking and after a moment said something "Sorry but this is going to take me a while, so this will probably end up being dinner. Do you mind grabbing those sandwiches from the fridge and pass them out?" Alastor walked over to the fridge and grabbed the tray of perfectly made cheese and turkey sandwiches. "No." Alastor said as he walked out of the kitchen holding the tray. Angel giggled and smiled to himself. After Alastor came back with an empty tray he looked over at Angel. "Well I hope you didn't want one." Angel looked over at Alastor. "There's something in the fridge for you." Angel smiled over at Alastor who wouldn't walk over. After a moment Angel walked over and opened the door. He pulled out a long sandwich labeled Smiles. "here!" Angel yelled as he threw the wrapped up sub to Alastor. "I'm not opening this." Angel rolled his eyes. "Okay I get that I did you dirty TWICE, but come on, trust me a little." Alastor unrolled it and looked in between the bread and smiled. "Deer and human meat... Wow thank you Angel. How'd did you even get these?" Angel shrugged his shoulders. "A magician never reveals their secrets." Angel smiled and winked. "Now get out of here so I can finish cooking!" Angel playfully shoved Alastor towards the door. "Yes sir." Alastor said, bowing his head. Angel rolled his eyes. "I'll call you in if I need help, okay?" Alastor nodded and walked towards the bar to eat with everyone else.

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