Chapter Twenty-Four //

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"Listen, Chloe--I--" Harry stammers out when he notices that my face has frozen and hasn't moved in about sixty-four seconds from shock of what he has just asked me. The last thing I expected after another session of mind-blowing sex with Harry was for him to ask me to stay with him for the rest of our time filming. I've been laying here staring at the ceiling with no idea what to say, even though I know I need to say yes. I have to say yes. Would I if I didn't have to?

Is this happening? 

"No," I interrupt, lifting my head from the pillow. I prop myself up on my right arm and face him. 

Harry swallows, his adam's apple bobbing forcefully in his throat. 

"Okay, I mean--yeah, you're right, I don't know what I was--" he stumbles out and I realize he thinks I'm rejecting his offer. 

"No! No-- Oh, Harry," I smile, lifting the sheet off my body and sliding over so I'm on top and straddling him. His eyes widen as I place both my hands on his cheeks and place short kisses all around his gorgeous face. 

"Yes." I say, hovering my face only a few inches above his, my hair falling down in loose waves around my shoulders, gently dusting his chest. 

"Yea?" his arms raise from the bed to rest on the sides of my arms, the few callouses he has from years of playing guitar tickling my skin.

"I'll admit, I am a little shocked," I kiss him again, "but if you're sure, then yes."

"So you'll play house with me for a couple of weeks?" Harry smiles, reaching up to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. I reach for his hand, bringing his palm to my lips. 

"Play house, hmm? What exactly does that entail, Mr. Styles?" I tease.

"Oh you know, the usual," Harry grabs my waist, flipping us so that I am flat on the bed and Harry is now above me, nuzzling his nose into the crook of my neck and pressing kisses to different parts of my neck and chest in between words.

"Morning sex," kiss.

"Shower sex." Kiss. 

"After-work sex." Another kiss. I giggle, my fingers finding their way to tangle in his hair. 

"Maybe some dinner." Kiss. 

"Then more sex before bed." Harry plants his final kiss onto my lips, pulling back with a goofy smile on his face.

"Wow," I say, sounding tired, "doesn't sound like we'll have any time left over to fight over the remote or argue about leaving the toilet seat up." 

"Mhm, there's also a strict no-clothing policy."

"Is there?" I question sarcastically,  feeling Harry move his fingers, poking them into my ribs to tickle me. 

"Yep, having you stay with me is a purely self-serving move, love. I get to see you naked every day," he smiles and starts to assault me with his evil tickling fingers. 

I laugh and beg for him to stop, trying to wrestle his fingers away from my sides until he finally relinquishes his grasp on me, again hovering over me. Both of us breathless. A flash of concern washes over Harry's face before he speaks to me again.

"Seriously, though," he starts, his eyes darting between mine, he licks his lips nervously. "I never expected any of this, Clo.  I never planned on moving this fast with you. Fuck's sake, I never planned on any of this at all." 

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