Chapter Twenty-Eight //

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We were late for work that day. And the day after that. We're also late today, a week later, as I'm throwing deodorant under my arms and running out the door to hop in Harry's SUV so we can try to make it to hair and makeup on time for once this week. 

If we weren't so deep into filming, I'm sure Diane would have scolded us. Or had us both fired. As I slid into the passenger seat, Harry hops into the driver's side and is equally as flustered as I am to get to set at least somewhat on time today. 

By now, everyone on set knows Harry and I are dating.  The reaction from the crew and other actors hasn't been a bad one, and I would have been more than happy to avoid any public displays of affection with Harry while on set if it had been. Harry had other plans, however. All week he's been taking advantage of every chance we get alone on set. 

There's a decent amount of kissing in this movie. We've started filming some of those scenes, which we end up having to reshoot over and over again. So many times to the point I start to wonder if Harry is messing it up on purpose. When we finally finish the scene, Harry will literally grab my hand and drag me back to one of our trailers because neither one of us can contain our physical attraction to one another. 

In between takes if we have a break where the crew is changing the way the set looks, he will drag his fingers down my spine to get my attention and when I turn around he will lead me to the other side of the faux set wall, push me against it and kiss me feverishly until the assistant director yells our names to call us back to set. 

Security on set has been tight, even more of presence than it was the day after our news broke publicly. Harry's fans have crowded the area, to the point that the Palms Springs police have had to shut the entire neighborhood that we are shooting in down to the public. Diane thought the publicity of fans on set would be a good thing at first, so she allowed them to spectate, but after our announcement she quickly changed her mind. The location leaked on Twitter and after that it was a pointless effort to quell the overzealous assortment of screams that would sound every time Harry was visible to the spectators. 

We are going back to Los Angeles after shooting today, until and unless we have to reshoot anything. The entire crew has a week off to relocate. I'm looking forward to going back to my house. Sam is still in New York so its a little weird to know its been empty for close to two weeks. I need to call her. 

Harry pulls the SUV into the now gated entrance to the staging area, which is clear of media and fans today. Sadie is already waiting for me with her clipboard next to the parking space where Harry has consistently parked for the past two weeks of filming.  I open the car door hurriedly since we are really cutting it close on time today, and before I can even process a thought, Sadie is at my side explaining the schedule and times of shoots today. 

"Good morning Chloe," she says with a stressed tone in her voice. "Lots to do today, and Diane is in a mood this morning--just a warning."

"Great," I reply sarcastically as Harry jogs around to the passenger side of the car to quickly peck me on the lips before scurrying away into the hair and makeup trailer a few yards away. 

"So," Sadie continues, "your wardrobe is in your trailer. Aria will be on set to make sure you put the costume on the right way as usual. You're going to need to put it on before hair and makeup today, it's white so we cant risk getting anything on it. You have two solo scenes this morning, then the car chase this afternoon and the outdoor lawn party scene this evening. Lunch is at 1PM, Dinner at 8. We aren't finished until late tonight so take advantage of the couple free hours you have after dinner to take a nap." 

The Contract // H.S.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن