Chapter Seventeen //

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What the fuck was I wearing that day?!?

I am tearing my closet apart trying to remember where that damn piece of paper with that waiter's name on it was. What was his name again? Holden? Harper? Hunter! 

"Okay, think Chloe, it was after the table read. What did you wear to that..." I mutter to myself, trying to remember the blazer I wore that day but all that comes to mind is flashes of the inside of a janitors closet and my white blazer laying on the floor.

Right. The white one.

I find it still hanging in the back of my closet and needing to be dry cleaned. The piece of paper with Hunter's name and number on it still in the pocket. Do I text or call? Text. This is so awkward.

C: Hi, Hunter? This is Chloe, from the sushi place. You gave me your number a while ago?

Hunter: hi there. I remember. How are you?

C: Great! Thanks.
C: Would you maybe want to go have dinner tomorrow night? If you're free. If not it's OK I know it's short notice.

Hunter:  I would be ecstatic to take you out. I work the day shift but.. I can pick you up at 7?

C: Sounds lovely! See you then! Xoxo


I am now ten minutes away from being picked up for my date with Hunter. I saw Harry yesterday, our paths crossed at the personal training gym we are both going to getting ready for the movie. He asked what I was doing today and I told him I had plans. I didn't feel like going more in detail than that, and he actually didn't ask me. 

The doorbell rings and I answer the door, immediately remembering how attractive this guy is. Maybe this will actually be fun, who knows. Hunter's eyes sweep over me from head to toe, taking in my black slacks, heels, and deep v-neck cream silk shirt.

 Hunter's eyes sweep over me from head to toe, taking in my black slacks, heels, and deep v-neck cream silk shirt

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"Hey, wow you look great Chloe," Hunter kind of sputters out. He's nervous. Hunter hands me a handful of daisies. A nice touch.

"Aww, thank you," I tell him. "Let me just go put these in water real quick, you can come in." I leave the door open for him and walk back to the kitchen. He shuts the door and follows me slowly into the house. 

"Nice place," he tells me, "you rent it or what?"

"Oh," I smile at him, "No I own it." I say proudly. 

"Wow, that's amazing." He says, walking with his hands behind his back. He looks nice in some khaki trousers and a black button up long-sleeve shirt. His blonde hair is pulled back into a bun, and his coordinating facial hair is barely more than a 5 o'clock shadow. 

I grab a vase and put some water and the flowers in it, turning to him.

"Ready to go?" I ask.

"Yup, how's seafood sound? Thought we'd go to this place out in Malibu right on the cliffs. It's beautiful." 

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