Chapter Forty //

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I'm in this. 

I'm really, really one hundred and seven percent in this now. 

I glance to my right at the man sitting next to me, and it feels like I'm seeing him for the first time. 

Really seeing him. 

Today was magical, and filled with emotions that I haven't really allowed myself to feel yet. It was what I feel like a normal day with my boyfriend should be like. 

My boyfriend. 

I haven't actually said that out loud to anyone, until today. To be honest, I've been trying not to say it. Anything I can do to keep myself from feeling too much with him. But when Harry and I went to get my bags from Sam's apartment I introduced him as my boyfriend. 

Sam's reaction was the same as mine- eyes wide, mouth dropped slightly open, and then her head cocked to the side a little bit before she smiled and wrapped Harry in a giant hug. She sent me a text not long after we left telling me that she approves. 

I've known Harry for a little less than three months now. The time has flown by, and I shudder to myself just thinking about how little time I have left with him. The movie is set to release around Christmas, which is around eight months from now. 

I've run through the scenarios many times in my head now, and I always come to the conclusion that I'm going to end up losing him. No matter how much I end up caring about this man. If he finds out about the contract I'm positive he will want nothing to do with me. 

On the other hand, if he doesn't find out about it... I still am contractually obligated to refrain from all contact with him for six months. Harry doesn't strike me as the type of person to wait around for a woman to come to her senses about him, especially if it takes six months. 

No, either way I'm going to be alone when all this is over. There's no way around it. So I've been trying not to get too attached to him. But after this weekend, it's nearly impossible. Harry is more than I thought he'd be, he's taken all my negative pre-conceptions about him and tossed them to the curb.

I realize I've been biting my lip so hard that I've probably left a mark when the car slows and comes to a halt on the private airport tarmac. I look to my right again to find Harry's gaze focused on me, his concentrated expression nearly making me uncomfortable as it feels like he's staring right into my soul. 

He squeezes my hand, the corner of his beautiful lips turning up slightly. 

"Ready to go back to our responsibilities?" His eyes are searching mine for... something. Is he feeling the same intense connection that I am now? Has he been feeling it this whole time and I've failed to see it? 

I sigh, "not exactly." I look out the tinted window of the SUV to the medium-sized jet that will be taking us back to LA. I've never been on a private jet before, and I'm a little nervous. I've also enjoyed this small break from my now very abnormal life in LA. I can't say I'm looking forward to certain responsibilities that Jeff and Caroline have placed on us when we get back. PR things, playing up the showmance part of our relationship. 

It makes me feel icky, like everything is fake. But I know after this weekend that our feelings for each other are very very real. 

I take a deep breath and squeeze Harry's hand back gently, turning to him and giving him a small smile before letting go and grabbing my purse. The back door opens and David stands outside with his hand outstretched to assist me out of the car. 

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