Chapter Forty-One //

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It's been a couple of days since I've basically moved in to Harry's house. The patio door got fixed the next day, but when I tried to stay the night there I had so much anxiety that I ended up back at Harry's house and I haven't gone back to my own since. That was three days ago. 

I want to say I've made myself at home in his house but the truth is that I haven't. I'm still living out of the big suitcase I packed, and if I need anything from my house I just run over there to grab it quickly. It doesn't seem like Harry is used to living with someone.. or maybe he just hasn't lived with someone in a while? 

There are two rooms in the house that Harry absolutely will not let me inside. The first morning I was here, he led me to some odd corner of the house that I'd never been near. Showed me the door and just said the room was off limits. The second was the bedroom down the hall from the master, where on the night Harry saved me from Nick, I found him yelling and breaking things. The second, I assumed was because he hadn't cleaned or fixed it up from that night and didn't want me to see his mess. The first, however, was very 'Beauty and the Beast'. Forbidding me explicitly from not one, but two rooms in your home? 

We stayed in the same house for two weeks in Palm Springs, but that was a vacation home and both of us were living out of suitcases. This is his home, Harry isn't living out of a suitcase like I am. 

"Good mornin', darling," Harry appears in the doorway of his bright white kitchen leaning his lanky body on the doorframe. He's holding an "I <3 Harry" coffee mug where the letter A is a picture of himself, a huge goofy grin on his face. His hair is disheveled on the top of his head where he has a tiny hair clip holding the chestnut curls out of his face, and of course.. he's shirtless and wearing none other than the black Nike joggers that instantly turn me on. 

"Is that a mug with your own face on it?" I question,  turning back to the stove after giving him a once-over. I hear him push off the doorframe with his shoulder, his bare feet making shuffling noises while he slowly walks to stand behind me. 

"Mhm," he breathes into my ear. The shivers rolling down my neck make me tilt my head to the side to prevent him from turning me on any further. In response, Harry sets his coffee mug on the counter next to the stove and brings his hands to my shoulders, his palms dragging along my arms until he reaches my waist. 

"Harry, I'm trying to get us fed so that we can get to set on time today." I scold him, flipping the eggs I've been cooking over in the pan. 

"Mmm," he murmurs again into my hair, and I can feel the crotch of those sexy joggers getting thicker by the second as he continues to press into me from behind. "Should've thought about that before deciding to cook breakfast in only your underwear and my t-shirt." 

I look down. I guess I have gotten a bit more comfortable here. Comfortable enough to not wear pants, at least. 

Harry's hands start sliding even further south, and when he reaches the edge of the t-shirt I'm wearing he slips his hands inside, moving them back up to cup both of my breasts, one in each hand. 

"I could stay like this all day," he says jokingly, giving each breast a small squeeze of affection. He's doing the silly flirting thing, and although I'm currently very turned on, we really can't be late for work again so I try to stay unbothered. Though if Harry were to reach inside my panties right now he'd know just how bothered I really am. 

"Ummpfh," he groans when I decide to tease him a little bit and wiggle my ass into him slightly, pushing on his hardening crotch. 

"Could you?" I provoke him, "...stay like this all day?" I turn around and look up into his face, moving my hand to palm his growing excitement. His jaw goes rigid at the feel of my hand trying to wrap around him through his joggers, and he lifts his head slightly so as not to look into my eyes directly. Satisfied that I've gotten him back enough for this morning, I pull my hand away from him and turn back to the stove to turn it off. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2022 ⏰

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