Chapter Two //

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I must have looked like a total idiot just standing there in front of these people with my mouth open mid sentence. I'm not starstruck, I was just not expecting Harry Styles to be at my audition. Why was he here? He has to be the male lead if he's sitting in on auditions. Well, at least that confirms Caroline's little rumor she mentioned.

"Ahem, um, Miss Bennett?" Ben Andreson's voice snaps me out of my trance.

"Oh, oh! Oh my gosh I'm so sorry - um" I stutter out the words. I'm making a fucking fool out of myself now. Fantastic.

"You have your selection of lines, correct?" Diane asks pointedly. Her gaze is intimidating. She's definitely not impressed with me so far.

"Yep! I mean, yes, yes ma'am," still stuttering. Oh God I just keep embarrassing myself.

"Whenever you're ready, then. There's plenty of others left after you, we don't have all day," Diane states simply.

I nod, and take a deep breath in and out of my mouth, shaking out my hands.

Okay. You can do this. Just don't look at Harry. Don't look at Harry. Don't look at Harry.

I close my eyes and when I open them, I begin.


Ten minutes later I find myself quickly walking back down the sterile white hallway. Pushing the large glass door open frantically, my feet cannot get me to my car fast enough. That audition could have gone better. By the time I finished my lines all I wanted to do was get the fuck out of there. I couldn't breathe with Harry Styles there staring at me like he was judging my entire soul. Does he smile? He didn't even flinch the entire time I was in that room. I don't think I completely bombed because Diane had an approving smirk on her face and said I'd hear from them within the week if I was moving on to the next round of auditions. But my embarrassing social skills there at the beginning may have ruined my chances. I sigh.

Where the fuck are my keys?

As I'm walking through the parking lot, rummaging through my giant black purse for my car keys, I faintly hear the glass door behind me open and hurried footsteps behind me.

"Ehm, Chloe! Chloe? Chloe Bennett!" says a deep, unique British accent from behind me. I stop, and turn around to see Harry in a slight jog trying to catch up to me.

"You're in quite a hurry, aren't you?" he says breathlessly as he stops in front of me, trying to catch his breath.

"I just uh - well, yeah I guess." I shrug, finally grasping my keys at the bottom of my bag.

"Well I didn't get the chance to introduce myself back there. You just kind of bolted. I'm Harry," he extends his hand to me for a handshake.

I take his handshake offer, "Hi," I say meekly, my lips turning up into a small smile.

"Listen, are you busy right now? I really enjoyed your audition. Probably the best one today. I'd like to maybe go grab a drink or something, get t'know ya a bit better," he smirks at me. Is he asking me out?

I guess he can see my confusion because he clarifies,"I like to make sure I have chemistry with my co-star. Can't recommend ya to Diane and Richard if we don't get on well, eh?"

I bite the inside of my cheek as I consider his offer. Ah hell, what can it hurt right? I really need this role. If going to grab a quick drink with him ups my chances, I'll do it.

"Sure. You have somewhere in mind?" I ask.

"Yeah actually, I have a spot that's usually pretty pap-free. I know the owner. Pretty private. I can drive? If that's okay?" he raises his eyebrows expectantly.

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