Chapter Thirty-Two //

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(A/N I listened to this song a lot while writing this chapter... just listen to it when you get to the smut)

Harry's POV

Kendall is right; I'm an utter twat when it comes to this relationship stuff. I should have told Chloe more details about my plans for the evening when we were in her trailer, but I was worried if I told her she'd be angry with me. I never had any ill intentions in grabbing dinner with Kendall, but Chloe didn't know that. I am having feelings that I don't know how to process yet and Kendall just happened to be the first person to contact me while I was mid-mental breakdown. 

After dinner, Kendall and I drove back to the house where I expected to find Chloe lounging around or sleeping. The house was empty, however. 

"Thought you said she was staying home tonight?" Kendall questions into the empty house. 

"I thought she was." I reply, confusion evident in my voice. Sighing, I pull my phone out of my pocket and text her. This is one-hundred percent my fault. My fingers quickly type out the message to her, my mind starting to wander to places that peak my anxiety. 

Did she go back to LA? Is she going to pull the jealousy card and get papped with some blonde wanker again? I had to really hold back on her last time that happened, it truly felt like she was purposely trying to make me jealous. How'd she even know I had a jealous streak?

We're getting off track here..

I send the message and wait for her to reply, returning to Kendall who has made herself at home on one of the giant couches in the den. I grab the glass of wine from the refrigerator and pour us each a glass, feeling my pocket vibrate as I hand the glass to her. I take a swig of my drink before setting it on the knee-height table in front of me and spreading myself on the couch cushions behind me, pulling out my phone as I do so. 

Chloe's reply has me confused, and it takes more than a minute for me to figure out what she's typed because of all the errors. I furrow my brow as I try to discern what the jumbled text means. Oh.

C: Des it mattr? Are u finised wit ur dte?

H: It wasn't a date, Chloe. Kendall is just a friend. 
H: Tell me where you are. 

C: I'm out w/ fren. I hv thm 2, u knw.  

Now I'm realizing that Chloe is out at some club or bar, potentially wasted off her ass with no security or protection. The fuck is she thinking? She must not understand the implications of being my girlfriend just yet. She's not going to be able to go anywhere without people taking her picture and analyzing every detail of where she is, who she's with, and why. Fuck, I need to figure out where she is before something disastrous happens.

H: Out? Out where? Are you drinking?

C: Wow, lot of qs fr smeone who cars enouh about m to leif me without a way hom for work tdya.

H: I apologized for that... and you're obviously drunk.

C: Am not drunk. Mfine.

H: You can barely even text me back, Chloe.
H: Just tell me where you are so I can come pick you up.
I think I owe you an explanation. 

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