Chapter Sixteen //

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(a/n; song goes well with the chapter, picture is Chloe's house)


Harry POV

Yeah, we're doing this. What exactly am I doing? Speeding down Mulholland Drive trying to get to Chloe's house is what I'm currently doing.  I don't know what I'm going to say to her or how I'm going to get her to talk to me, but I guess I've got to try. At least if she turns me away I can say I made the effort. Effort is not usually something I do, not anymore. Chloe makes me want to put in the effort, and that is a feeling I'm not used to. I think that's why I'm chasing after her right now. Seeing Chloe upset that night when we danced in the kitchen at her house was enough for me make a promise to myself. I never want to be the cause of her tears. 

As I pull up to Chloe's house and put the Range Rover in park, I turn my head to glance at her house. Lights are on.  I sit there debating internally over whether this was really a good idea. Now that I'm sitting here I'm starting to second guess this whole plan. It's not really even a plan, I don't even know what the fuck I'm going to say to her besides just asking her to allow me to speak for a minute. I take a deep breath in and out of my mouth, licking my dry lips and I'm suddenly aware how thirsty I feel. 

I take my time walking the path up to her front door. I'm stalling, yes. I'm not good at this. I wasn't when I was with Geneviève, which is really what ended up breaking us apart. I didn't know how I felt about her until it was too late. I couldn't make up my stupid fucking mind, and she had no choice but to move on. If I'm getting a second chance at this I better not mess it up this time. I'm not sure how I'd handle another heartbreak. 

Now, standing at her front door, I raise my hand to knock but hesitate, half turning around and running back to my car with my tail between my legs, but then taking a half step back to the door. I'm mumbling under my breath what I'm going to say, pacing on her front porch.

"Grow some fucking balls, man.. What is wrong with you? Just apologize, knock and get it over with..' I mutter to myself, hoping that if I can hype myself up enough or maybe throw some insults out there that will help.

 Taking another deep breath and running my hand through my hair to put it back in it's place, I go ahead and ring the doorbell. I shove my hands in my pockets and rock back and forth on my heels, nervously waiting for Chloe to open the door. Taking a while, Chloe.. Come on. I try knocking with my fist a couple of times, tilting my head back to the sky and closing my eyes when it seems she's going to ignore that I'm here. I knew it was a possibility, she's headstrong and stubborn. But that's part of what I like about her. 

I shrug, throwing my arms up in the air in a defeated gesture. I turn around and have full intent on going back to my car, probably going back to that party and getting drunk. Then the door opens. Spinning around like my life depends on it, I hurry back to her doorstep. 

"Chloe," I straighten myself, trying to look confident even though I'm anything but that at this moment. 

"Harry. You.. left the party?" She doesn't have the door open but a few inches, and I can still see that she's already in her cute matching pajama set. Some sort of black silk shirt and shorts set with white ribbing.

"Um, yeah," I start slowly, hoping that she doesn't slam the door in my face, "I couldn't let you leave like that, not without letting me have a chance to explain what you saw." 

Chloe takes a moment to stare at me from top to bottom, glancing out and up and down the street. She narrows her eyes and pouts her lips together, slightly to the side of her face like she's thinking about it.

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