Chapter Eleven //

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Holy fuck. Did that just happen?!

As I walk outside to my car a few minutes later, after composing myself and making sure I didn't look like hot sex coming out of that janitor's closet, I am wondering what the hell just happened. The sexual tension between Harry and I has just been bumped up another level and I can't say that I'm unhappy with it. None of my partners in the past have been adventurous enough to throw me into a dark closet and make me almost unravel underneath him, then stop and leave me desperate and wanting for more. That little shit!

Now I'm incredibly turned on and sexually frustrated and I have to meet Caroline for lunch. 

I pull up to Sugarfish, a sushi restaurant, in Hollywood about twenty minutes later. Parking is extremely hard to find down here, so I valet my car. When I walk inside I see Caroline's black hair and business-like outfit on her phone, sitting in a small two-person booth on the back side of the restaurant. I nod my head to the hostess and walk confidently over to the table. I am usually so comfortable around Caroline, but considering what just happened to me half an hour ago after the table read, I'm sure I still look flushed. I forgot to check my face before I walked in here. I'm also unsure of what circumstances she needs to talk to me about, so I'm a little nervous. 

"So, why lunch? We couldn't have this meeting at your office?" I ask her as I sit down.

She looks up from her phone, raising an eyebrow subtly, "Well, I'm buying you lunch. You're welcome." Caroline sets her phone down on the table as the waiter stops at our table to get our drink orders. 

"Hi, ladies, welcome to Sugarfish, have you been here before?" 

I look at him and smile out, "Nope, first time for me." Caroline says the same. 

"Oh, great! Well I'm Hunter, and I'll be your server this afternoon." He bows slightly to us and that's when I actually take a good look at him. He's cute. Like, drop dead model gorgeous cute. He's tall, probably over 6 feet tall. He seems taller than Harry. He is tanned, and toned. Surfer, maybe? Seems like everyone does that in California. His hair is blonde, and probably shoulder length because he has it tied up in a little bun on the crown of his head. He looks younger than me, I'm almost sure he is. But he's extremely attractive. I've always had a thing for blondes. 

Hunter launches into explaining the menu and drink specials while I'm studying him

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Hunter launches into explaining the menu and drink specials while I'm studying him. I actually am not paying attention to a word this man is saying. He's that attractive. 

"So.. what can I get you to drink?" I hear Hunter say, and it's like I was in outer space and got yanked back into the atmosphere by his voice. 

"Um," I say, surprised by myself. Is this because I am still incredibly flustered by Harry? I don't even know. I could really use a glass of wine, but I remember I'm still going on that date with Harry later, "just water for me. Thanks." I finish hurriedly. 

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