Chapter Twenty-Two //

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Harry and I stayed in my room until we both had to leave for hair and makeup that day. After the shower, we washed up and Harry carried me to the bed when we dried off, where we stayed for the next three hours; under the comforter, naked and giggling at stupid Lifetime movies on the television in between heated make-out and love sessions. I feel like something's clicked on and now I can't keep my hands off of Harry and he can't keep his off me either.  Harry seems to be fighting back his dominance when he's around me and I have yet to understand or discover why that is, even after I told him I enjoyed it in the shower. Instead of trying to be dominant, he's been flirty and funny, entertaining the back and forth banter that tends to happen between us right before we attack each other with kisses and our legs wrapped together until we just can't keep ourselves separated any longer. It's fascinating to me how someone can be so commanding, yet also have this silly and sweet side to them. It seems like Harry is continuously fighting this inner battle of which person to be; the aloof domineering playboy with no feelings or this attentive, caring, and playful man that seems to be who he really is and can't let out for some reason. 

After hours of being entwined together, exploring each other's bodies in between fun conversations, it's time to head to set and Sadie is knocking at my door at approximately 3PM. She is a little surprised to see Harry standing behind me when I open the door to the suite but doesn't show just how surprised she is. I'm assuming she'll ask me about it later. We've become somewhat of friends since being in Palm Springs and she's confided in me about how the other actresses treat her; specifically Sarah. She's very demanding, moreso than her role in the cast deserves, but Sadie still treats her with kindness and gives her everything she needs. She says since I'm so low-maintenance it frees her up to make sure Sarah is happy, which honestly is kind of irritating simply for the fact that Sarah is a supporting actor and shouldn't be making a lot of demands right now; it's not a good look for someone trying to make it in Hollywood. 

Harry decides to just ride with Sadie and I to set and he sits in the rear of the golf cart, keeping to himself on his phone while Sadie and I talk about the schedule for the evening. We have full cast scenes today and tonight. There's only one more full day of filming at the resort and then we are moving to on-site filming in a nearby neighborhood that has been essentially locked in the 1950's and is used regularly for filming period movies. Sadie mentions that there's been some fans in the area today but the hotel security has been keeping them from entering the property and that there were paparazzi around earlier in the day but they seem to have disappeared when they realized Harry and I weren't shooting during the day. 

We pull up to the hair and makeup trailer, and Harry is off the back of the golf cart and bounding up into the trailer before I can even get myself out of my own seat. I wave to Sadie and she drives off quickly, probably to slave away for Sarah some more. When I get inside the trailer, Harry is already sitting down with his shirt off getting the tattoos on his arms and hands covered up. He's concentrated heavily on his phone and doesn't even look up at me as I sit down in the chair next to him. I figure he's busy and pull out my own phone while Lexi, one of the hairstylists, gets to work on my hair for the evening. The hour and a half passes with Harry and I barely saying a word to each other, mostly because Harry is either concentrating on his phone screen or looks lost in thought. 

The scenes for tonight take forever to film but aren't complicated, and it's mostly group scenes so I feel more relaxed and under less pressure than the previous days when it was all eyes on me. Harry, on the other hand, seems distracted. He's messing up his lines, not acting his normal goofy self with all the crew, and between scenes he isolates himself and his eyes are glued to the screen of his phone. Once we have a break for dinner, Harry starts to head to his trailer. Harry and I are the only cast members who have personal trailers on location, everyone else shares one or two. 

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