Chapter Nine //

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I had to go ahead and call Caroline. She's been bothering me since yesterday to contact her. When I call her she picks up after the first ring. Obviously eager for me to call her back. Caroline has been the best agent/manager I could have asked for especially starting out. However, I don't know if it's her other clients or the stress of this insane contract that is starting to make her freak the hell out about things that normally wouldn't bother her. I'm expecting this phone call to not really be that big of a deal. Filming hasn't even started yet and I was told I was not under any obligations to 'occupy' Harry until filming was underway. 

"Chloe, finally. Where have you been? I've been trying to get ahold of you since yesterday," Caroline answers, sounding pretty close to a mom scolding her child. 

"I uh, I've--" I start. 

"I even called Sam and she had no idea where you were, have you called her? She was getting worried." Caroline interrupts. 

"I'm at Harry's." I blurt out, slapping my hand over my mouth as soon as the words come out. 

"Oh. You're--you're at...Harry's house?" she questions.

"Yeah," I start, about to explain what a long story it is and that I can catch her up later, but she interrupts me again.

"Damn Chloe you work fast. Great job, well that takes some stress off my shoulders." she says. 

"No it's not like that. We didn't sleep together. I told you its a long story. I'm going to need your help with a police report though. You know, keeping it from getting out. Against uhm, Nick." 

"NICK!? What did that asshole do! Did he hurt you? If he did anything I'll make sure he never works in this industry again, Chloe." I'm flattered that so many people want to protect me, but it also makes me slightly uncomfortable. Am I really worth protecting? 

"I'm fine. Harry happened to be there and took care of him. Anyway, what do you mean, Caroline? Why did you need to talk about--"

"No! You're at Harry's, don't say anything, okay. We can talk in detail another time. But you're gonna have to figure out a way to start being seen out with Harry looking cozy and couple-y after the first week of filming. Some circumstances have... changed. We can talk after the table read tomorrow, okay?" she says. 

I sigh, "Okay..." We say our goodbyes after I tell her that Harry and I are running lines for the table read tomorrow. When I hang up, I sit in Harry's office chair at his desk and call Sam.

"Chloe! Well at least your bitch ass isn't dead in a ditch somewhere," Sam answered, and I can hear doors opening and closing on the other end of the line, like she's walking around the house frantically looking for things. 

"Yeah, I'm so sorry. I feel like I've been hit by a truck but I'm okay. I went out with Nick last night to dinner," I begin to tell her. I know she's not going to approve of that decision. 

"You did WHAT? Please dear God tell me you're not at his house right now and you didn't have sex with him," she fusses.

"No no, gross no. He um, shit Sam.." I lower my voice to above a whisper, "he drugged me. Tried to get me in his car and take me somewhere. Said something about making me love him again."

"What the actual hell Chloe!? Are you serious!? What happened? Are you okay?" Questions are firing out of her mouth at the speed of light. 

"Yeah I'm fine. Kind of interesting story, Harry just happened to be at the restaurant and confronted Nick about what was going on. He punched Nick in the face and took me back to his place because I was in no position to be driving last night. My phone was dead when I woke up so I had to charge it. I'm sorry you were worried." I'm still having trouble myself believing all of that actually happened. It doesn't feel real. 

The Contract // H.S.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon