Chapter Twenty-Five

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"Get ready for the fucking circus, baby."

Harry was right; I should have packed my top hat and whip. 

Everything seemed normal when Harry and I arrived on set mid-morning for our last day of on-site filming at the resort. 

For the first thirty seconds...

"We should take my car," Harry suggested as we walked out of our hotel suite towards the main lobby. 

"Why? Golf cart not sufficient enough for you, fancy-pants?" I teased. 

"I'm more concerned for your comfort, sweetheart. The place is going to be crawling with media today. But if being potentially stampeded by paps and journalists is your cup of tea, I won't stand in your way." Harry smirked at me, his smug look morphing into one of amusement with his cute toothy grin making an appearance. 

"Nope that doesn't sound like fun, let's take your car

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"Nope that doesn't sound like fun, let's take your car." I huffed out, Harry beside me suppressed a laugh and held my hand until we got through the lobby and into his waiting Range Rover. 

Now, about ten minutes later, I can say Harry was one-thousand percent right. We pull up to the staging parking lot that at first glance looked totally normal. Just a parking lot full of studio trailers, big rigs full of sound and video equipment, movie props, and whatever else we were going to need to film scenes today. 

I look over at Harry with a satisfied smirk on my face, thinking about how his need to take his tinted SUV to set was unwarranted. Harry looks back at me, his eyebrows raised in amusement, and nods his head to the windshield as we pull around the corner of the parking lot. 

All I see is chaos. My eyes go wide, glancing at Harry and then to the scene in front of me. 

We haven't needed security on set until today, it seems. Two of the big trailer-trucks have been positioned at the opening to the staging area to create a type of security gate, with men in security uniforms standing at the entrance that is blocked off with yellow tape. 

On each side of the make-shift gate is what makes me question whether my idea about going to the press with our relationship was a good one. About fifty-- or maybe even more-- people; fans, photographers, reporters, and cameramen all turn in our direction when the SUV rolls up slowly to the security guards. 

The throng of people now realizes who is sitting in the front seats of the SUV, and suddenly all the camera lenses are being pressed up against the windows of Harry's car as he slowly drives forward, trying to simultaneously escape from them and not run over any toes. The thick glass of the Range Rover isn't enough to block out what inappropriate questions and screams escape their mouths. 

I glance over to Harry who, sensing my discomfort, gently takes my hand in his and runs calming circles with his thumb over the back of it. 

Finally through the mess, Harry parks his car near the hair and makeup trailer and we both head inside. A bright head of red hair turns to look at the pair of us as we enter. 

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