Chapter Thirty-One //

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A/N - hi! Sorry you've been waiting so long for an update. I think I needed a breather. But I'm back now! Let's finish this thing! 

p.s. I made a couple trailers for this book! First one is up above... hope you like it! :)

Harry's POV

You know, I'm usually a perfectly punctual person... I hate being late to things. Especially work. But you try being on time when a sex goddess like Chloe Bennett is laying next to you every morning. It's impossible. My cock wakes up before she does every morning, like it knows her body is just waiting for me to attack it. Trust me, I've tried to will the morning wood away so we could be on time just once this week. 

It doesn't work. 

"Chloe!" I shout down the empty hallway of the house, "we trying to set a record for how pissed off we can make Diane today?"

We're late again. Oops. 

Chloe rounds the corner of the hallway, freshly showered and hair still damp. She's wearing one of my plain black t-shirts because she couldn't find hers quick enough. Even seeing her wear my clothing turns me on.

"Well maybe," she begins, "if you didn't seduce me every morning we'd actually be on time to work, you insatiable sex monster." Chloe brushes past me and walks through the front door smiling. She squeals when I pinch her perfectly rounded arse, turning around and glaring at me before hopping into my SUV. I smirk as I turn to lock the front door and hurry into the driver's side. 

Told you, I can't help myself. 

Not trying to brag, but having Chloe stay with me for the past couple of weeks was an incredible idea on my part. I can't remember the last time I had this much readily available sex. But, it's not just about the sex. Not anymore. She's bewitched me, somehow. Most of my walls completely disappear when she's around me.  I've honestly given up on even trying to sustain the façade at this point. 

A couple weeks ago, I called one of my good friends Tom for advice. He's helping me produce my next album, and is happily married to his wife Jenny, with two children. I idolize the man, not only for his producing capabilities but for the relationship he has with his wife. Their love for one another seemed transcendent. Not only are they in love, but they are best friends. After twelve years together they still manage to bring each other to tears laughing and never run out of things to talk about. Being around the two of them together had always been encouraging for me... before Gwen died. After that, nothing could make me believe in a love like theirs again. 

"Harry, just go for it, man. Go all in. Get your heart broken, and write about it. We'll either have a really cool breakup album or a really awesome love record. Just don't miss something great because you're afraid of losing it. You've never had a girl at the studio before. That's gotta mean something, y'know?"

That's what Tom said to me when I asked him if he thought I should back off the relationship with Chloe, back when I was planning out that elaborate date night on top of the mountain. I've never done anything like that for anyone. Granted, it was somewhat selfish of me to have the paps called there but I had to prove my point to Jeffrey. He was being a dick about the whole Jessica blackmail thing. He wanted to pay her off, but I told him no fucking way. I don't want her getting a cent of my money or the management's money. 

I pissed him the hell off, but it worked. I was surprised that Chloe's agent seemed angry as well, though. Wasn't really expecting that one. If anything, she should be thanking me. Chloe's going to get tons of exposure now that we are publicly dating. Someone once offered me ten million dollars to date their daughter for six months. 

The Contract // H.S.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum