Chapter Fifteen //

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Harry's POV

I knock on the door to Chloe's trailer, with a bag of Italian takeaway I had my assistant deliver to me here on the set a few minutes ago. At first I thought maybe we'd go somewhere for dinner, but I quickly realized we might be seen again and I'm not sure if that's something Chloe is ready for.

Chloe Bennett is a bit of an enigma to me. There's something about her that's almost mysterious. She keeps a lot of herself hidden from me, I can tell that much. She's opened up a couple of times but it seems like she keeps me at the distance she feels comfortable with, and that's not enough for me. Is it? What am I saying?

Of course, I know what I'm feeling. I've been trying to shut it down for weeks now to no avail. I thought at first it was just wanting to be protective because she reminds me of Genevieve, and then the whole Nick situation happened. But the more time I spend with Chloe, the more I realize it could be more than just that. That scares the shit out of me if I think about it long enough. I've tried not to dwell on it and just kind of let things happen on their own.

I couldn't keep my hands off of her after the table read last week. I hadn't planned on making her whine and beg for an orgasm in the janitor's closet, but it happened anyway. I took Chloe on a real date, and I don't do "real dates". All I wanted to do when we got back to her place that night was please her and make her feel good. She's extraordinarily hot when she's whimpering my name, begging me to let her come. I go back and forth in my mind between wanting to fuck her brains out and wanting to throw myself at her feet and ask her to be mine. I usually end up landing somewhere in the middle of the two.

But that's not what happened last night, is it? No, Chloe thought it would be amusing to tease me during our little sex choreography lesson. The fact that the choreography came so easily to us both, combined with my shock and confusion when my dick wouldn't listen to my mind as she was purposefully trying to turn me on in front of Liza, it was like a bomb went off and I just couldn't control myself anymore. I didn't want to. I sat there after she left, trying to calm myself down but it didn't work. I needed her immediately. My primal want for her just took over my entire body and I went straight to her trailer, cornering her like an animal. I think it turned her on a bit.

And God, did she feel amazing. If that's what a hard and fast fuck with Chloe feels like, I can't imagine what taking my time would be like. To lay in bed with her all day and make her writhe in pleasure would be a dream. I'm hoping we can get to that point, but Chloe doesn't strike me as the casual friends-with-benefits type of woman. She's going to want some sort of commitment and I have to be able to give that to her. I'm still not sure how much I can give. It's like I'm wanting to cross that bridge, but every time I feel like I can do it, another road block pops up ahead of me that makes me slow down, or stop.

I didn't want to have that awkward conversation after we had sex last night. I just wanted to bathe in the ecstasy we had both just experienced. All the hormones raging through my brain kept telling me to make it official right there, but I know better than that. I made sure to tell her that I have zero regrets about anything we've done sexually and that I hope she feels the same way, because that is the truth of how I feel at the moment. I'm obviously still battling myself.

So now I have Italian food and we're going to eat dinner in her trailer before going to Jeff's sister's party tonight. I wanted to bring her mostly for selfish reasons. I like spending time with her, yes, but I'm pretty sure a few acquaintances are going to be there and to be honest, I don't feel like being bothered by old hookups tonight. If they see me bring a date, they might leave me alone. I never bring dates anywhere. I arrive alone, and leave with a woman usually. It's my fault for batting so close to home, but hopefully this plan of mine works. And I get to have Chloe on my arm as my date for the evening, which is also a big plus.

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