Wildest Dreams

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I'm back! Did you miss me? Anyway hope you like the new chapter!


Alex whispered it her, mouth turned up into a small smile.

Before the pillow hit her in the head.

"Wake.Up.Alex." Stacy said bashing her with her pillow.

"Unnnnggh Go awaaaay!" Alex said rubbing sleep out of her eyes.

"Its 10am."

"WHAT?!?!?!?!" Alex screamed.

"Why didn't you wake me????"

"You looked so peaceful. And you kelt talking about this guy called Thomas."

Alex mentally slapped herself.

"Who is he? Do you like him? What is he like? OMG is it the guy from ballet?"

"No!" Alex said quickly. Too quickly.

Stacy's eyebrows lifted as Alex struggled to undo her mistake.

"He's my fave actor!" She blurted finally.

"Thomas Brodie-Sangster,He's adorable"

She pretended to swoon.

Stacy rolled her eyes "Yeah right. Spill the beans."

"There are no beans to spill,Stace he's no-one"


"Look Stacy,He IS no-one. He's just...."

her mind could think of many words to go here.

Unfortunatly none of them were appropriate to the situation.

"..A boy." She finished. Rather lamely she thought.

Stacy huffed. But she knew when she was beaten.

"Fiiiiiine" she said drawing out the 'i'.

"But I warn you sister. I expect details later"

"Great" Alex said sarcasticly "I look forward to it. Now whats for breakfast?"


"I love your french toast Mrs.Miller!"

Alex said sprinkling cinnamon and sugar onto her plate(I LOVE THIS STUFF!!)

"You need to give Dave the recipe."

Mrs.Miller smiled.

"It's easy dear. All you need is some bread and some eggs. Then you chuck them in the frying pan with a little bit of oil."

"That does sound easy.." Alex admitted "But Dave would still like set the house on fire."

She sighed dramaticly.

Stacy's mother came and sat down next to her.

"It's ok darling. It must be hard with only him to look after you. But remember you are always welcome here! Anytime."

Alex sniffed and her arm snaked around her shoulder giving it a comforting squeeze.

"It's ok.. It's ok."

"I wish I had Parents..."

OOOH PLOT TWIST PLOT TWIST! WHO WAS EXPECTING THAT EH? So poor little Alex has Dave as her guardian. Do you think he would be a good one? We saw some Alex/Stacy time there. Did you like it?

Lyric: Lucifer your landing

Newtgirl12,Signing out

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