His House.

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They caught the bus to Thomas' house.

When they got on Thomas was wonderful with helping Alex up the stairs and carrying her crutches.

Alex was grateful to him but when they finally got to the back of the bus there was only one seat left.

Thomas turned to Alex. "Oh I know what you are thinking."

Alex said shaking her head

"I'm not sitting with you standing."

"Well you need to rest your leg."

Alex turned away stubbornly

Thomas sighed and sat down before snaking his arms around her waist and pulling her down to sit on his lap.

Alex turned around to hiss at him

"What are you doing? Put me down!"

(Though secretly she kinda liked it)

Thomas smiled. "If you wont sit down then why don't we both."

Alex huffed. "Fine."


The bus rolled to a stop and Alex looked around surprised.

"My house is really close to here."

She said surprised.

"Well that's good 'cause we're getting off."

Alex smiled. Pleased that her crush lived so close.

Thomas gestured for her to stand up so she did wobbling a little.

They stepped off and Alex wobbled again. Feeling slightly off balance.

Thomas turned,concerned but Alex smiled bravely. She took three steps but felt like she was going to fall over again.

Looking round Thomas saw her hobble along her hands gripping her crutches tightly.

He walked back to her and let her lean against him for a moment.

She blew the hair off her forehead. "Sorry," she said. "I'm going really slowly."

Thomas nodded. "Well I suppose I'd better do this then." He said and picked her up,bridal style.

Alex squealed but didn't complain.

He grinned and carried her the rest of the way.


He carried her right up to his door both of them laughing at her rubbish jokes.

Thomas stuggled to grasp the handle while still holding on to Alex but the door swung open.

A woman stood in the doorway with her hands on her hips.

"Your late."

Thomas gulped.

The woman seemed to notice Alex and her eyebrows raised.

"Oh uh This is Alex. She goes to ballet."

Alex tried to look as non-crazy as possible which wasn't easy while hanging from Thomas' arms and one of her legs in plaster.

Thomas finally set Alex down and she gave a little wave.

"Hi." She said feeling a little bit out of place.

Thomas' mum gave him a "who is she? Why is she here?" Look.

Thomas gestured to her leg.

"She broke it. She has nowhere to go! So I uh just kinda said she could come here..."

Alex felt touched. But it was time to turn on the charm.

She sniffed welling up fake tears.

"My my brother isn't *sniff* home and my Mum and Dad are *sniff* dead."

Thomas stared,shocked.

"I thought Dave was your Dad!"

Alex shook her head.

Thomas drew her close and Alex could sense him having a silent argument above her head.

He seemed to win it as when she drew back he picked her up again and carried her upstairs.


Hi guys! Aww I would love to be picked up like that. I updated just in time for valentines day! Hope you guys had a happy one! Me? Oh I just had a gaming marathon as I am a lonely potato.

Lyric: She gave it her best.

Newtgirl12, signing out.

(I'm going to complain about the lack of original videos. You got it before!)

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