Smashing into love

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Alex fled. Running through the streets she turned a corner and smashed into some first years spraying Vimto everywhere.


Alex said picking at her red stained shirt.

One of them flipped her the bird and she sighed

"Stupid First years"

She muttered, Sprinting off

She turned another corner and crashed into someone again.

"Oh come on!"Alex cried

The person caught Alex as she tipped dangerously towards the road.

"Oh. Thank you. "

Alex said looking up

"I'm s-"

She drew in a breath as her heart went from 'Pounding quite hard' to 'Thumping like hell'

It was Thomas.


Alex panted trying hard not to blush.

Thomas stared at her shirt his hands still gripping her arms tightly.

"Uhh you wanna let go?"

Alex said awkwardly fidgeting cause he was looking quite unabashedly.

"He did this to you?"

Thomas said angrily

"I'll kill him."

He growled.

Alex looked down at her shirt which was stained with scarlet.


She said understanding.

"It's Vimto. I bumped into some First years."

He relaxed but he still didn't let go.

"He didn't hurt you?"

Alex hesitated. Then shook her head.

Thomas let go and Alex immediatly missed his touch.

He pulled her into a hug and rested his head on the top of hers.

"I was so worried when I heard you went off with him,"

He pushed her in front of him and said

"He is bad news Alex. Stay away from him, okay?"

"I will don't worry."

Thomas took of his blazer and handed it to Alex.

"Here. It'll cover the stains. You look like he murdered you."

He gave a nervous laugh.

Alex rolled her eyes.


He grinned

"I'll walk you back."

Alex smiled as he put his arm around her. She felt safe with him.


Heya! Hyperactive young fangirl over here! Hiii!! So Thomas cares. Aww. We saw some Almas action there. Was it good? I must apologise to any first year reader (12 years of age) out there. You are not stupid. First years are awesome! But unfortunatly going by several opinions most people hate the younger students sooo it's not me. It's them.

Lyric: The garden was blessed by the gods of me and you.

Newtgirl12,Signing out

(The lack of original music video is For some reason I couldn't find it. It is called blank space by taylor swift and really complements the song please look it up.)

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