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Alex woke up just as her alarm clock started the deafining beeps to tell her to get up.

Alex wondered why she had set it on a Saturday.

She knew something had happened bit she couldn't quite rem-


It was her birthday.


Alex muttered as Dave walked through the door with a pile of neatly wrapped presents in his arms.

"Gooooood morning Gorgeous"

Alex laughed. Her brother was hitting on her.....


Dave placed a parcel on her leg and she pointed at it with a quizzical expression.

"Emily wrapped it."


Alex nodded stifling a giggle.

She eased the paper off and it left a book shape in her hands. She flipped it over and read the cover.

The Fault In Our Stars

Alex smiled happily. "Thank you Dave!!"

He pushed the next one over to her with a sly grin.

"Emily picked that out. Said it would 'go nice with your hair'"

He made a 'I have no idea' face and she scrabbled at the thick tape with her long fingernails

It was a small turquoise bangle with some earrings to match. Alex looked closely. There were tiny sparkles around the edge.

Alex immediatly slipped it on a grateful grin on her face.

"Tell her I said Thank you!"

Dave nodded "I will"


Alex got some more stuff (but basically I cannot be bothered to write bout it. Sorry)

But the real thing was when she was in her Pjs and Thomas climbed into her room to have a picnic with her. (Man this boy likes picnics)

They were locked in a quite lovely kiss when Dave opened the door.

Lets say he was not happy to see a 'random boy' Kissing his little sister while stroking her hair lovingly.

Especially as she was wearing shorts and a crop top.

He blinked for the few seconds it took for them to realize he was standing there watching their *Hem hem* 'embrace'.

Then when Alex finally broke away he was looking quite angry.

"Oh snap."

Alex muttered avoiding his glare.

Thomas wrapped his arm around her shoulder protectively and gave her a reassuring squeeze.

"I'll handle this."

He murmered quietly and stood up.

Then Dave punched him in the cheek.


Alex screamed and thudded down next to her fallen boyfriend.

"I'm fine Alex."

He stood up with a glare.

"Get out."  Spat Dave. "And stay away from my sister."

Thomas turned to Alex with a quick kiss and walked out without a glance backwards.


Alex reached in his direction and glared at Dave.

He returned her gaze and turned away.

"I did you a favour."


Oooh snap. The 'meet my boyfriend' bit DID NOT go well. Damn. Explanations soon. No hate right guys? Guys? Ohh man...

Newtgirl12,Signing out.

(And begging you not to kill me)

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