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At about 4:10 a saviour arrived.

*knock knock knock knock.*

Alex groaned. She really did not want to open the door right now.

"Alex? Alex! I know you're in there!"

Stacy. Oh well.

"It's open!" Alex said. A small bit of her hoping she would take a hint and leave her alone.

She didn't.

A seconds delay then Stacy opened the door and appeared in the doorway with a bulging plastic bag swinging from her arm.

"Hi... Stace..."

Alex sat up and vaguely attempted to fix her appearance a little.

"Alex. You look.." Long pause. "Um. Good!" She injected a fake note of bounce into her voice but it fell kinda... flat.

This brought a low sarcastic chuckle from Alex.

"What happened? You were fine before lunch but after......."

Alex gave a long sigh. Stalling for an answer.

"I was...... ill."

Stacy rolled her eyes. "Bull."

Alex curled up with her knees under her chin and wrapped her arms around them.

"Thomas... He was just... Using me."

Stacy looked shocked.

"He didn't..."

Alex shook her head. "No. But he never loved me. He only used me to get Rhian." The name had a nasty taste in her mouth.

"Oh Alex... And he was your first..."

She silently nodded. Gripping Stacy's comforting arm.

Alex pointed at the bag on her shoulder. "What's that?"

"Oh!" Stacy snapped to attention and started to unpack everything onto the bed muttering under her breath.

"Tissues, Blankets, A DVD, Some popcorn, Marshmallows, Chocolate, Spare pillow and...... Umm.. Wheres the.. Aha!" She emerged truimphantly clutching.... A fondue kit?

"Um. What exactly are we doing with that?"

"Making fondue, Silly!"

Alex blinked. "Why.. Um.. What's this all for?" She gestured at the strange mish mash of objects on her bed.

"Emergency boyfriend breakup kit. Why? Don't you have one?"

"No.. But it actually looks kinda fun.."

Stacy beamed at her pleased.

"I got two DVD's. This one and your favourite- Hm. No. We better not."

Stacy slipped The Maze Runner back into her bag. The main character was called Thomas.

"So we're watching.... Tron? Never even heard of it."

"It's sooooo good!" Stacy gushed slotting it into the DVD player. "It's about this game but it's real and you can go inside and- Shh! It's starting!"

Alex rolled her eyes. Typical Stacy. Tell the other to be quiet while she was the one talking.


The film was quite good. Stacy followed the plot quite well but Alex kept having to stop and think what had just happened.

"So.. He just died?"

"Well no. Because Sam just made it all up and-" Alex cut her off. This was getting far too confusing for her.

The door clicked.

"I'm home!" Dave yelled.

"Hi Dave!" Stacy yelled poking her head over the banisters.

"Oh hi Stacy. Tell Alex dinner is at 7 ok?"

"Okay!" Stacy turned to Alex but she cut her off.

"I know I heard." Raising her voice so Dave could hear. "We'll be down in a minute!"

As soon as Dave had yelled vack his reply Alex turned to Stacy urgently. "Quick! We need to make me look like I'm ok!"

"Right!" Stacy said and started to rifle in her drawers for makeup.


"You look different Alex." Dave remarked.

"Really?" Alex replied casually. Her head felt like it was going to snap off under the weight of all of her makeup.

Stacy giggled and Alex gave her a kick.

"We were just trying out a new.. eyeliner!"

"Oh yeah. Well you can definitely see it!"

Alex nodded but kept her face to her pasta.

"I saw Thomas as I was driving home today,"

Alex stiffened. Seen him doing... what?

"Seemed to be having an argument of some kind," Dave continued "Making all these wild gestures."

"Oh? And who was he arguing with?"

"Couldn't tell. They were behind a tree. Why?"

"Oh no reason." Alex waved him off. Stacy shot her a look. He was almost certainly arguing with Rhian.

Alex stabbed at her pasta. Why would he be arguing with her?


Alex and Stacy shot off upstairs as soon as dinner was finished. Alex turned to Stacy and started to speak as soon as they were out of earshot.

"Why would he be arguing with Rhian if he only used me to get her?"

"Maybe she was arguing with him?" Stacy suggested hopefully. But Alex shook her head. "No. She was desperate to get him."

Stacy frowned. "But then why would he have had to use you to get her if she already liked him?"

Alex frowned too. "I don't know.."


Yes. I'm a horrible person. Go on then. Beat me. No. Please don't. I keep meaning to write so I pick up my phone but then I think "mm. I'll just check my instagram.." and before you know it I'm youtubing flying pandas but Anyway... Three chapters on the breakup. I'm killing you aren't I? And wattpad on my phone got an update with SOUNDCLOUD so I'm just testing..

This is my fave song. There should be a button over there --->

So that may or may not have worked. If it did Congratulations. You have just heard one of my strange bands which no one has heard of.

Newtgirl12,Signing out.

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