An Eventful Drama Class

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The next day-at school-Alex walked up the steps and was nearly bowled over by a hyperactive Stacy.

"Ouch Stace. Why the hurry?"

Stacy gushed in her "million words a second mode"


Alex cut her off.

"Whoa sister slow down."

She said making calming movements with her hands.

Stacy took a deep breath and said:

"I. Wanted. To-"

At this Alex cut her off again.

"For goodness sake Stace! Just speak in a normal voice."

Stacy pouted.

"You told me to go slow so I did!"

"Ok I know but maybe try it in a....... Well yeah I cant think of a better word-Normal voice"

Putting her hands on her hips and sticking her lips out (comment if you know someone who does this. Start it with a capital if they are three years old.)

"I wanted to talk to you about Steven."

Alex secretly punched the air.

"How did it go?? Do you like him?? What did you say??"


"YOU IGNORED A DECLARATION OF LOVE FROM THE HOTTEST BOY IN SCHOOL??????????????" Stacy screamed going into "super crazed maniac" mode.

"No," Alex said calmly hoping that Stacy would cool down a little.

"When you think about it he never actually said anything to me. So I decided to wait until I saw him in person to talk"

Smiling (and looking a lot less crazy)

Stacy asked "what's your first period?"

"Reggie Duh"

"After that"


"Good. He's in that one maybe you could do a "Romeo and Juliet" Balcony scene"

Alex smiled nervously

"But Stace I never told you about-"


The bell had cut her off.

"See ya later Alex! And I expect EVERY SINGLE DETAIL!"

"Wait! Stacy! You don't understand! I LOVE SOMEONE ELSE!!"

But Stacy was gone.


"Alright Class" Ms. K said "settle down. Now this is drama. Its going to be a lot different than your other classes. First of all there will be minimum homework and even then only expressions and such like."

Murmurs of approval joined this statement.

"Also we will only have one period a week."

Murmurs of disappiontment greeted this comment.

"Now we will get to work. First find yourself a partner." She paused seeing that some of the girls immediatly grabbed their best friends

"of the opposite sex"

She finished, a secret smile lighting up her features

Alex looked around. Some of the girls were treating this like they were asking them to prom, smiling sickengly and giggling

Alex saw Steven out of the corner of her eye surrounded by girls caked in makeup.

One of them-Rhian- caught Alex's eye and scowled at her.

Alex looked away.

Steven noticed her and started to walk her way.

Rhian stopped him. Laying her hand on his chest and twirling her hair.

Even though they were quite far away from Alex she still could hear everything they said

"Well hello gorge Wanna stay with me babe? I can give you a good time unlike some of the others."

She spat out 'others' like it was an insult, tossing her hair over her shoulder and glaring at Alex

"Actually I was looking for someone else" Steven replied cooly brushing her off and walking towards Alex.

"You want to be partners?" He asked softly so only she could hear.

Dazedly Alex's eyes floated down to his soft full lips. She imagined kissing them. The feel of his hands on her body......

Shaking her head to snap herself out of it she saw Steven's smile fade then vanish completly.


He said somehow conveying huge amounts of emotion into those two tiny letters

Realizing what she had done Alex quickly put a hand on his shoulder. "I mean yes! Yes I'll be your partner!"

Smiling gratefully he made a move to take her hand but Alex snatched it away pretending she was scratching her face.

He looked at her confused but Alex stayed staring straight ahead. She wasn't happy with going that far.

"Ok class today we will be doing..Oh My Gosh what on earth is that?"


Evil cliffhanger! What do you think happened? Comment below. Love to all my readers! And I may not update for a while so.. Two in one day! Hope you guys are happy!

Lyric: ohh you got the feeling that I wanna feel

The Time She Met The BoyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora