Shorts are good pajamas.

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***Dave's POV***

"Hey, Alex! I'm home! Was ballet fun?"

I listened carefully for the usual "Hey! I'm home too! Ballet was ballet you know nothing!"

There was no answer.

"Alex? Alex are you home?"

Again no answer.

I started to climb the stairs a little seed of worry starting to grow in my mind.

I reached her room and cautiously knocked on the door. "Alex? Can I comne in?"

Still silence so I opened the door and peeked in.

Alex was not there.

"ALEX?!" I yelled the seed becoming a plant.

I ran from room to room searching every corner yelling "Alex? ALEX IF THIS IS A JOKE I'M GONNA KILL YOU!"

Alex was not anywhere.

I clutched at my head. Alex was my responsibility if she was hurt...

No. I would not think of that. That could never happen.

I tried not to worry but I started to panic after about half an hour of just waiting. I started to leave messages and texts on her phone. (Which to be honest I should have done before)

About twenty minutes later she appeared at the end of the street.

I gasped in relief but just resisted the urge to run out and check her up and down

I waited as she appeared to be talking to someone I couldn't see.

She leant forward a little then started to.... Was she hopping?

Alex reached the door but I flung it open.


She opened her mouth but I stopped her again


Alex winced and I suppose I was shouting kinda loud.

"It was an.. Accident. I was doing my jumps and I landed kinda awkwardly."

She hung her head "I'm sorry Dave.. They didn't know your number and my phone was uh out of charge."

She looked upset.

My eyes softened and I drew her into a hug.

"Come here."

I let go then pointed behind me. "Right. Bed. I'll bring you toast. We need to know what we can still do with this thing."

He pointed to her cast and she grumbled but started to crutch up the stairs and into her room.

"Good thing I wear shorts" she mumbled.

***Alex's POV***

The door was flung open and Dave stood there, looking mad.


Alex tried to come up with an excuse but he then noticed her cast.

"YOUR LEG!" He yelled even louder than before.

She winced. Her ears pounding and started to stammer something about having an accident at ballet and them not knowing his number.

"I'm sorry Dave." Alex said. And acting upset even though she could be walking on clouds she was so happy.

It seemed to work as he hugged her then pointed upstairs telling her to go to bed. And even though it was only 8 o clock she struggled up them and into her room.



Alex snapped her eyes open. Her phone had gave its small buzz of calling to her. She sneaked her hand under her pillow and , after checking that Dave was not listening in, pressed the little button to turn it on.

It flashed on and Alex quickly unlocked it, turning the brightness down so as not to dazzle her.

The buzz was for a text. From an unknown number.

Nervously Alex clicked it open.

Look outside.

She checked the time.

12:22 am

Alex frowned. Who would be sending her a text at this time of night? And such a creepy one too.

Nervously Alex hauled herself over to the window and peeked through the curtains.

The first thing she noticed were the flowers.

Balanced on her windowsill were a bunch of pale pink lilies.

The next thing she noticed was the note.

Thin italic typed writing showed through the thin tissue it was wrapped in.

Alex couldn't help but smile. The trouble Thomas must have gone to to get the flowers on her windowsill and pin the note just so.

She read it small pinpricks of tears forming in her eyes at the wording.

Dearest Alexa.
                            I have loved you from the moment I saw you. Please. I love you Alex. Say that you love me too.

Your Beloved,

Alex rolled her eyes at the cliché ? At the end but still found it very sweet.

She crawled back into bed and fell asleep clutching the note to her chest.

Hi! All the usual Thank you for reading blah. But awwwe at the endingy bit. Thomas is so sweet. I'm wondering whether you guys want more cute (and fun to write) things such as Valentines day Birthdays or Get to the actual plot? Anyway. Apart from that bit I'm not really going to tell you what to comment. Except this. ANYTHING! Your mission (yep. I'm that cheesy) is to get as many people as poss to comment a random word. Then I shall reply with an equally random word and we'll see how many we can get. New readers/voters/commenters are always welcome (hint hint) SO GET TYPING THOSE WEIRD WORDS!

Newtgirl12, Signing out.

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