I Hate Coffee

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The rest of the weekend passed without a hitch. Alex and Stacy went to see the new movie The Maze Runner.

But Monday loomed and before she knew it Alex was groaning as her alarm clock destroyed her happy dreams.

Her hand appeared from out of the covers and fumbled around a bit before finally making a fist and slamming down hard on the 'snooze' button.

Then remembering it didn't work Alex stumbled out of bed for a long hot shower.


Alex flopped down into a seat and began to try and open her sprite.

She was sorta weak and it kept slipping through her grasp and chafing her palm.

She had nearly got it when a pair of soft cool hands surrounded her own and twisted the cap off easily.

Alex looked up surprised.

It was Steven.

"You looked like you needed help."

He said in the soft cool tones that made almost every girl swoon.

"Actually I nearly had it." Alex said stubbornly folding her arms.

"Come on Babe." Steven said slipping his hand around her waist. "Lets go somewhere else," He glanced around "somewhere we wont be seen."

Alex stared at his hand in disgust.

"No thanks."

Steven's smile shivered but he managed to keep it intact.

He leaned in closer to her ear.

"Come. "

Alex shivered slightly scaredbut she nodded.

Steven stood up, offering Alex his hand like a gentleman.

She took it and Steven walked out of the lunchroom to join the excited babble of kids leaving to go 'down the street'.

He led her into a side street and into a little coffee shop. He gave a nod to the waitress who seemed stunned.

"Is..Is..Is there anything I can get you and your...." her voice trailed off as she shot daggers at Alex.

"Two cappuccinos"

Alex opened her mouth to say that actually she didn't drink coffee but the waitress was gone.

Steven smiled at Alex.

And slid over the booth so his leg was against hers.

Alex looked down. Then up again jyst in time to see Steven's lips smash onto hers.

He put his hand in her hair and kissed her.

(I'm not gonna go into details)

Alex snatched herself away and slapped him. Again.

Then for good measure she brought back her foot and kicked him.

Right where it hurts the most.

Steven doubled over as the waitress came back with two coffees in her hands just in time to see Alex slap some money down on the counter (she couldn't bear to steal) and fled.


Who hates Steven now? *raises hand* I just had to put a TMR reference in there as -hence my name- I am a MAJOR fangirl. Also don't expect two updates in one day all of the time but I have been kinda ill these past two days and here is a tip for all you bored invalids: Writing Kills Boredom

Lyric:Nice to meet you, where you been?

Newtgirl12,Signing out

(The video above is 'Wildest Dreams' lyrics the album version. Check it out and compare them!)

(One last thing. The strange number of *s is one for each book character I like that has died. Me and my friend counted once. It's depressing.;( )

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