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Alex gently tilted his head up looking deep into his eyes. And gently, so gently brushed her lips across his. (ASDFGHJKL IT FINALLY HAPPENED!!!!)

Thomas' hands slid around her neck and pulled her in for a longer but soft kiss. Somehow she ended up on his lap her legs swung to one side, the casted one awkwardly stiff.

Her hands stroked his cheekbones, their lips barely touching but somehow seeming like the most Alex had ever touched anyone.

*slam* The door burst open and Thomas' mum stood there, her mumbles of "I forgot my purse." Cut off in shock.

Alex broke away guiltily and flushed pink.

Thomas was a similar colour.

They blushed awkwardly as His Mum stood struggling for words

"I.. I told you.. No.."

Alex looked down and saw the thing that had enraged her the most

Her belt (which was always loose) had undone itself.

Turning scarlet Alex stammered an apology. Trying desperatly to explain.

Thomas still seemed confused until his eyes suddenly illuminated and he too went red.


Alex blurted. Sounding a little like Stacy.

Thomas started to stammer too "M m Mum I SWEAR it wasn't what y you thought. I I I promise!"

They were both peony by now and Alex had slid off him and back to her chair.

Thomas' Mum blinked. Looked veeery hard at Thomas who stared back truth in his eyes. Until , only after Alex felt she HAD to say something or she would EXPLODE!, she nodded. Scooped up her purse and walked out.

They both let out enormous 'phews' and looked at each other guiltily.

Thomas scratched his head thoughtfully. "It's weird," he said "I thought I was dead for sure."

Alex looked at him. His hair sticking up cutely and giggled.

He smiled too and sat down formally in front of her, suddenly serious.

"Alex," he said solemnly. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

Alex's heart hammered and she couldn't resist a little speech.

"Thomas," she replied. Equally serious. "I loved you as soon as I set my eyes on you. And I knew it was not some silly crush. It was real. Yes. Yes I will be your girlfriend."

He smiled in delight and leaned in for another kiss. This one was different. Slower. More passionate.

Alex smiled into him her hands smoothing down his soft clean hair.

Then the door quietly opened and a small dog trotted in before jumping in between them and licking Alex's face.

She giggled. "Who's this?" She asked pushing her away.

Thomas smiled. "That's Ruby. She is adorable."

Alex smiled fondling her soft floppy ears "I know, she's a spoodle, a cocker spaniel poodle."

"Yeah. I love her to bits."


They played with Ruby for about 20 minutes until Alex finally remembered to check her phone

20 new messages,

10 missed calls.

"Oh shoot!" Alex cursed "I've gotta go home!"

Thomas looked disappointed but soon covered it up with an understanding smile.

"Ok I'll carry you."

She shook her head. "It's not far and I think the drugs have worn off."

He nodded. "At least let me walk you."

Alex smiled, grateful for his company, and set off.


About 10 minutes later they 'walked' over to Alex's house.

"Mum left it when she died. We don't have to pay rent or anything. Its just ours."

She turned gave Thomas one last swift kiss then gently told him to go.

And steadying herself she pushed the doorbell.

ASDFGHJKL IT HAPPENED!!! *fangirls over own book* Heh heh lol. So the cute little dog is in the picture above. Don't ya wish you had that dog? Well I don't have to suckers! That is almost exactly what my dog looks like. And yes. She is called Ruby. I would like to dedicate this chapter to NewtieGirl and hope that whatever it is that has gone wrong gets better.

Lyric: This hit, That ice cold. (Yes Izzy! It is!)

Newtgirl12, signing out.

(Cmon guys. Good songs? Lyrics I've got wrong? PM me. It doesn't take much. Here I'll even give you a template

Dear esteemed author,
I would like to put in a suggestion for your lyric game.
Please put ______________ in the next chapter of your magnificent book.

Many thanks _________

There see? All credit will go to you as you thought of it. So just copy, paste, fill in appropriate areas and send! Easy as making pie.)

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