A Hard Slap

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"-Alison Mayfeather! Get that hideous thing out of your hair!"

Sulking Alison, a small girl with short bouncy hair removed the large bow from the top of her head. (And to be honest it did look ugly)

"Now that we have that out of the way we will be doing something I like to call 'Thank you for the complement'"

Everybody looked confused.

"What you do is say a complement to your partner and they say one back. Now this sounds easy but you have to KEEP GOING for as long as possible and you cannot repeat a complement. For example if I say to Alex here 'I like your t-shirt' neither of us can say that again. The last pair to keep going will win."

Alex turned to Steven and said "you first"

"I like your hair"

"I like your outfit"

**a little while later**

Alex and Steven were in the final two.

"I love your eyes" Alex said colouring slightly (This is how we spell colour over here so don't yell at me if you are American)

Steven smiled and glanced over at the other couple who were running out of phrases

"Your lips are really tasty" Steven blurted.

Shocked Alex drew back her hand and slapped him. Hard. Then stalked off to sit next to all the other 'out' couples.

Everyone looked at her confused. Of course the only person close enough to hear them was Mrs. K.

Alex glanced at her biting her lip but she didn't even look Alex's way, staring into the distance. Alex wasn't even sure if she heard the slap until she beckoned to Steven and Alex with her finger.

"You two. Come here. The rest of you skedaddle."

Gulping Alex stepped over to her looking guiltly at Steven who was holding his cheek looking dumbfounded.

"I don't know what happened between you two but I am going to trust you to work it out yourself ok?"

Sighing in relief Alex nodded and shot Steven an apologetic glance.

He didn't look at her staring intently at Mrs. K. His hand still clutching his cheek which was turning a pale pink.

Waving her hand to dissmiss them Mrs. K turned around and Alex fled.


Heya guys! Thanks for reading and for those of you who read 'I'm Sowy' I called my best friend after and she had LOADS of ideas. So I jotted a couple down in my new Writing notebook and suddenly found new inspiration (and I know this sounds like the last A/N was just for attention etc. But trust me if I didn't update for a while (and right then it looked pretty damn likely) I wanted to give you guys an explanation) So Yay! I have an actual plot now instead of just going 'oh Ill just write some random rubbish and see where it gets me' so everything from now on will be thought out and planned.

Lyric: I got my ticket for the long way round

P.S I am also looking for a cast and a new name so comment your thoughts and suggestions.

Newtgirl12,Signing out

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