The Nearness of You

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Once Miranda had finished her shift, Ben managed to get her come over to his place. After actually cooking dinner for her, they watched a movie. She fell asleep curled up next to him. The Dr. Bailey was against his chest. He ran his fingers along her arm as she slept, comfortable. Picking up his phone, he logged into Facebook. Although Miranda knew that he was not, in fact, engaged, Ben wanted to make sure that Regina had taken down the stupid thing. He tried searching for her and when she didn't come up, he realized that she'd blocked him. "Damn it, Regina," he said.

"Who?" Miranda asked rousing.

Ben laughed a little. "Nothing, baby. I... nothing." He cracked his neck.

"Wait a second. Did you call me 'baby'?" She sat up and rubbed her eyes. Looking adorable. There was a little crust in her left one and later on in their relationship, he'd tell her about it and even get it out for her, but today wasn't the day. He saw her launching herself at him if he tried.

"You called me 'baby' first," he argued watching her get out of the bed and walk toward the bathroom. The TV was muted and he heard every sound. And, strangely, it made him giddy and really solidified their relationship.

She emerged with a fresh face, crust gone and just as beautiful as ever. "I did? When?" He cocked an eyebrow. "Oh!" Miranda said turning red. "That doesn't count, does it?"

"It does to me," he laughed as his phone beeped. Knox was texting him. "Oh, shoot."


"Knox needs me to cover him."

She pouted, poking out her bottom lip and he took the chance to kiss it softly. "Hey," she sang.


"Just saying 'hey'," she said running her hand down his face. "When do you have to go in?"

Ben checked his watch. "An hour."

"Oh, good."


"Mmmm... That means I get to lay here a little bit longer." Ben settled into his sofa, holding his girlfriend—wait, was she his girlfriend? His heart raced trying to remember what they'd said, but the high he'd been on had left his memory clouded. Miranda's phone buzzed and she picked it up. "Hello? Okay." She shook her head. "Just take him with you, Tucker." She sat up and held up a finger, walking away. "What I'm doing with my boyfriend doesn't have anything to do with you." Hearing her refer to him her boyfriend made him smile. "These are the days you wanted. I have plans." Miranda scoffed, it wasn't one of humor, but a defense mechanism and he stood up, moving toward her. "Of course not, but—" She stopped talking and put her hands on her hips facing him, giving him a smile that he knew was fake. "Fine. Fine. You can drop him off when you two get back. Good. Good; even better." She snatched the phone from her ear, sliding across the counter.

He slipped his arms around her, pulling her in for a hug. Miranda exhaled deeply, inflating against him. After a minute, he asked: "Everything okay?"

"Ex-husband nonsense." She stepped back and smiled up at him. This time it was genuine and he accepted it, offering one of his own. "You're sure you want to start something with me?"

He touched her hands, sliding his fingers between hers. "Yes. You're my girlfriend."

"Oh, you heard that?" He nodded. "He said it first, but it felt right."

Ben leaned, kissing her. Miranda grabbed the side of his face, deepening it. "It feels so good," he echoed.

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