Knock Yourself Out

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Knock Yourself Out

Ben and Knox walked through the hall on their way to the cafeteria. Ben looked up and saw Dr. Bailey, the surgeon from his previous surgery. He elbowed his friend. "There she is."

"Who?" Knox asked, pushing up his glasses.

"Bailey. I have another surgery with her on Monday, I think."

"Where?" He searched up and down the hall. Ben sighed and pointed to the blonde standing cross the hall. "That's... not Bailey."


"That's Dr. Heron. Sydney Heron."

"Wait... what? But she did the surgery yesterday on the guy with the thing."

"You're sure you're a doctor?" Knox asked.

Ben crossed his arms, ignoring his friend. "Then who the heck is Bailey?"

"I'm Dr. Bailey." Knox's eyes widened. Ben jerked his head. He knew that voice. His eyes followed Knox's gaze.

The woman from the elevator stared at him. "Oh! You're Miranda Ba... iley." His hand went to his head. "Right."


"Nothing. I thought someone else was you," Ben confessed. He looked at the real Doctor Bailey. She was short, physically, and thick. Damn, she was thick. He looked into her brown eyes. "Sorry about that."

"I bet you won't make that mistake again." She had both hands on her hips now.

"No, I won't." He smiled at her and her shoulders lowered the tiniest bit.

She turned to face the man standing next to him and smiled. Ben's stomach lurched. "Hello, Dr. Knox."

"Dr. Bailey, how are you today?"

"I was feeling pretty good until I got confused with, let me guess, a taller, lighter doctor with longer hair and a squeakier voice?" She said in a monotone voice making Ben blush.

"He didn't mean any harm," Knox said with a chuckle, defending his friend.

Miranda scoffed. "So, Justin Knox, who's your friend?" She asked, ignoring Ben.

"I'm Ben Warren. We met the other day," Ben said jumping back into the conversation. He extended his arm in her direction like an olive branch. She just stared at it, telepathically lowering his hand until he stuffed it into his pocket, fingering his phone.

"Really, I thought he was Ben Warren," she said pointing to a taller and goofy-looking white guy with black hair. She arched an eyebrow at him.


Knox laughed and picked up his ringing phone. "Excuse me, will ya? Hey, babe." He walked off, leaving Ben and Miranda standing there.

"I'm sorry. Can we start over?" Ben asked.

"I have work to do." She strolled away and he watched her, entranced. Knox had described her perfectly. He took the opportunity to check out her butt and resisted the urge to lick his lips. He felt a tap on his shoulder, interrupting his thoughts.

"Is it just us going to the cafeteria or will Bailey's butt be joining us, too?" Knox cackled at his own joke and slapped Ben on the back.

"I hope she does," Ben said under his breath. 

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