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Finally! The balance in Ben Warren's life was restored. He breezed from one day to the next, content and satisfied. When they worked together, he watched Miranda work, taking her time with every instrument, scrupulously planting stitches and occasionally looking over at him. The two doctors were truly happy. Their lives fit together so perfectly.

He spent a lot of time at Miranda's house even when Tuck was there. It was the life he'd always figured he'd have: a woman who had his heart wrapped around her finger and a kid—who wasn't biologically his, but that fact was miniscule because he simply adored the boy. He loved helping Tuck learn how to play the drums while she watched pretending to work. Or setting up a movie night in his living room for them, and Ava, complete with fake movie tickets, candy and popcorn. Miranda's walls were completely down with him. And he was stone in love with her.

Ben could practically feel the glares from people wondering when he'd propose. But he and Miranda had talked about it and concluded that it was best to wait. There was no need to rush. And he truly understood where she was coming from; love hadn't been easy for her—or him. Her marriage to Tucker had done a number on her heart and just thinking about the nonsense Regina had put him through made him want to curl into an eternal fetal position. She'd almost written his fate, but he'd been able to steer her out of his life. In almost three months, he hadn't heard a peep from his ex. Everything was good.

So good, in fact, that Ben had gotten the courage to apply to a few surgical residency programs. 25 to be exact. Two in Seattle, more than a few on the west coast, but the rest were scattered across the US. Anesthesiology was a good, solid profession, but it didn't give him the rush that he knew surgery could provide. Each time he stepped into an OR, he saw visions of him performing surgery not on the other side, forcing someone into a medicinal sleep.

Oh! There were times when he was able to do something cool, but those were few and far between. And not to brag, but with his background, he was basically a shoo-in for any program. It was a matter of which one gave him the best chance at living the life he wanted. When he'd told Miranda about his plans, she'd been impressed and even helped him with his applications. Them working together, poring over the information was just like when they worked on Leslie Wilson all that time ago. It bonded them even more.

The one thought that bothered Ben every so often was the idea of getting rejected. What if he didn't get in and all this work had been for nothing? Miranda had let him vent, but as soon as he was finished, she told him to zip up his doubts and to focus. He had the goods, the recs, the experience; he would be star. Ben loved having her in his corner. They'd even talked about a long-distance relationship should he get accepted somewhere that wasn't in Seattle or the surrounding area. "I don't know if I can do long distance, hon, but I'll try for you," she'd said. He'd taken his time thanking her and then she'd thanked him, her voice breathy in his ear: "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

One morning, Ben stepped out of the bathroom that connected to Miranda's bedroom with a towel dangling from his waist. He sat in the chair in the corner. She walked out a few seconds later tugging up a towel over her chest. Even though they'd spent half an hour in the shower, he couldn't stop himself from staring at his woman. His eyes traveled from her perfect feet up her legs, the towel around her body only gave him a glimpse of her curves and he was okay with that. "What are you gawking at?" She asked over her shoulder, reaching into her top drawer to get some underwear.

He resisted the urge to move behind her and continue what they'd started and finished in the shower. Ben grinned just thinking about it. Miranda's back against her cool tile, him steadying them while stroking her slowly, trying not to slip. His calves were still vibrating. "You," he answered simply. When she walked by him, he grabbed her hand pulling her into his lap. He moaned as soon as her plump ass covered his thighs. Using one hand to caress her body, he gripped her waist with the other. Their faces were so close, but he didn't make a move waiting for her to lean in first. She planted a kiss on him so softly, it annoyed him. He wanted more. Touching the back of her head, his tongue delved into her mouth, savoring her.

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