Hooked on You

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Hooked on You

The next morning, he spent five minutes debating whether or not he should send a "good morning" text to Miranda. Then, he spent another five minutes staring at the phone waiting for her to respond. When she didn't, he just got ready for work. Stopping at a coffee cart, he brought two coffees, one for himself and one for Miranda. He didn't know how she liked hers, so he grabbed a handful of sugars, sugar substitutes and creamers and stuffed them into his pocket. Ben found her in the first place he checked, in front of the OR board. She was studying it and he held back a second, studying her, observing the way her head moved a little as she scanned the long lists for her name. When a small smile hit her face, he walked over to her. "Good morning," he said, making his voice lower so that only she could hear.

"Oh, I did, uh, get your message, but I, um... I had to get Tuck ready and I was running a little late. Sorry I wasn't able to text you back."

He waved her off. "It's okay."

Her shoulders relaxed. "One of those for me?" She asked. He nodded and held out one, pulling it back and watching her face change to pissed immediately. "It is too early for games," she told him shooting him a deathly stare. Ben smiled and handed her a cup. "How do you know how I like my coffee?"

"Uh, I don't. But I got you these." He emptied his pocket. "Bam."

"Thank you."

She grabbed two creamers and two sugars. "Are you taking notes?"

"I am."

"Thank you for the coffee," she said with a molasses-like smile.

He couldn't hold in the grin that grew on his face. "You're welcome."

She started to walk away. "Oh, and good morning, by the way," she told him over her shoulder. He moved to catch up with her. Ben didn't know where she was headed, but he wanted to go. "Don't you have work to do?"

Miranda shrugged. "Probably, but... uh, how was your night? How'd you sleep?"

"Just fine."

"And how's your morning going?"

She shot him a look and he just waited. One tap at a time and, eventually, she'd crack. "What's with all the questions?"

"Well, that's how this goes."


He nodded as they stood in front of the elevators. "Yeah, our friendship. I ask you questions because I care. And you answer because you like that I care."

The doors opened and everyone except a nurse exited. Inside, Miranda took a sip of her coffee. He did the same. "Fine, Ben Warren. I slept well. How about you?"

"Good. I am well-rested."

The elevator stopped and the nurse left, waving goodbye to Miranda. He was glad they were alone. She looked at him over the top of her cup. "That's good."

"Are you, uh, free this Saturday?"

"Who's asking?"

"You are. Since, you know, you asked me out," he said moving next to her, so that their lab coats were touching. "I'm just confirming. For me. For you."

The elevators dinged and the doors opened again. "Then, yes." More people came in and the two of them backed up into a corner. "I might, uh, have surgery though."

Ben leaned over. "I might join you," he told her. She sighed and slipped out of the elevator car before he could get another word out. The doors closed and he took a big gulp of his coffee, not even caring that it was still hot and burned his tongue. Once the day was finished, he headed toward the entrance. Knox called out his name and he kept walking, pretending like he didn't hear him.

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