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His eyes fluttered quickly. "What are you saying?"

"Exactly what I said," Miranda said.

"That... can't be," Ben argued deep down praying that she was right. "She's pregnant. I've seen her. I... we..." He paused. "Look, if she's seven months then, it's more than possible that the baby is mine."

She continued to swipe through the pictures avoiding eye contact. "That's just it. This baby is maaaybe five? Six at the most. Seven is a stretch." Ben stared at his girlfriend, his heart falling into his stomach. They didn't speak for a long time. Of course, it had crossed his mind that maybe the baby wasn't his, but for some reason, he could never bring himself to believe it. Within minutes, his thoughts of becoming a father were dashed and he felt sick. Miranda's hand on his reminded him to inhale. "Hey, how are you holding up, hon?"

He wanted to answer, but the words were caught in his throat. Never had he been so fucking mad. "I now understand the show 'Snapped'," he said. Miranda tried not to laugh but failed and, reluctantly, he joined in, calming himself the smallest bit. Ben rolled his neck and sighed. "Ugh!"

"I'm sorry, Ben."

He reached out and touched her face, stroking her cheek. She put her hands on top of his and kissed his palms. "Now what in the world do you have to be sorry for, huh?"

"For you. I know..." She paused for a brief moment. "I can understand how this make you feel." Ben gave her a smile. "So, what are you going to do?"

"I don't know," he answered shaking his head. Ben started to get up and stopped, leaning toward his woman. Their foreheads met and he stared at her. Every fiber of him was in love with her and he wanted so badly to say what was in his heart. Instead, he asked: "Do you know how much I love you?"

"I may know something about it," she smiled placing her lips against his. They lay back, kissing softly until she burrowed into his body and fell asleep. When he woke up, he was alone on the couch. For most of the night, he'd stayed awake thinking of his next move. If what Miranda said was accurate, he had to do something. But his anger hadn't allowed him to fully think of a plan, so he had to force himself to sleep. Stretching, Ben got up and wandered toward Miranda's bedroom. He saw her sitting up in bed reading a book. Her entire face smiled when he walked in the room. "Good morning, handsome."

"Morning, beautiful." He sat on the edge of the bed, swinging his feet up. "You don't look like someone who wanted to kill me just a few hours ago."

She moved her hand in a waving motion. "Ebbs and flows." He nodded, grateful that she'd let him in her house and back into her arms and in her heart. "Do you know what you're going to do?"

"Yes." She closed her book, ready for elaborateness. "Well, first, I'm going to do this," he started, placing a kiss on her nose and then her lips. "Then, this." He climbed on top of her, tangling their bodies. His lips went to her neck and she moaned. "And perhaps a little of this." Gliding his hand to her thighs, he massaged them, feeling her legs open for him. Suddenly, she clamped them shut and locked eyes with him. "Yes?"

"Don't you have a call or two to make?"

He rolled his eyes and started to roll off of her, but she stopped him. "But I will be here when you finish."

"Right here?"

"More or less," she chuckled, scratching his back through his shirt. "Good luck."

"No advice?" Miranda raised a brow. "Benjamin Warren, what you need to do is..."

She laughed at his impression of her. "I'm not going to tell you what to do. You have to figure that out on your own."

He fell onto his back and blew air from his mouth. "Alright."

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