Better Man, Better Off

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Facing Miranda in his bed, he closed his eyes, silently counting the number of times she poked his forearms. Fifteen. "Ben?"

"Yeah, babe?" He asked. She sat up a little. Uh-oh, he thought. With her face squinched in "serious mode," he sat up bracing himself for whatever his girlfriend was about to say. "What's up?"

"Why are you avoiding having a conversation with Regina?"

Ben shook his head. "Can we not talk about her while we're naked?" Miranda rolled her eyes making it known that she didn't care. "I'm not avoiding anything, Miranda."


"Look she left without warning; she's not answering my calls... what do you want me to do?" She pushed her lips out. It was the sexiest thing and all he wanted to do was kiss her. But he didn't or he'd find himself in hot water.

"I feel like you might want... this kid to be yours." A searing pain landed right in his chest. "Which is fine by me." She sighed. "But... your lack of urgency is making me nervous. Maybe... I don't know, you're rethinking things. With us. With Regina..."

Ben stared into her face. The seriousness he thought he'd seen was actually anxiousness. Did she think he was choosing Regina over her? This baby over their future? Had he not been paying attention? Had he not been clear? Ben shook his head. "I am not being lax or straddling the fence or anything like that." Inhaling, he slipped an arm around her waist, dropping his head on her bare shoulder. The smell of his body wash lingering on her skin made his heart dance. "I am just figuring out a way to approach it carefully, babe. That's all. I am ridiculously in love with you." She didn't respond, but her eyes got softer. "Okay?"

"Okay." He leaned over and nudged her chin with his nose, moving downward. Miranda put her head back, receiving his small kisses. "You know... she's really pretty."



Ben resisted the urge to roll his eyes. "Alright, I'm going to lay on the couch..." he said with one last kiss to her neck.


Sighing, he licked his lips. "Because you're on one and I don't want to play," he said making no move to get out of the bed.

"I can't make a statement?" Miranda smiled and he squinted. What kind of hold did she have on him?

"You're Miranda Bailey, you can say any damn thing you want to." Her smile brightened. "And, yes, she's pretty. But you are gorgeous and beautiful and stunning," she said kissing her between each adjective. "And, most importantly..."

"Intelligent?" Miranda added, her hand on his waist.

He nodded. "Smartest person I know."

She twisted her lips to the side. "What were you going to say?"

"That most importantly... you're mine," he told her kissing her lips quickly. Without another word, she turned, pushing her butt into him. "And you're a tease." The sound of her laughing sent him drifting off to sleep.

"Ben Warren."

"Mmm," he moaned waking up, automatically reaching for Miranda. His hand fell flat on his cool comforter and sheets. "Where are you?" He asked opening one eye to see that she was sitting on the end of the bed, dressed.

"Good morning."

"It would be if you'd come back to bed." She laughed and crawled toward him. "That's what I'm talking about." Pulling her down for a kiss, he said: "Good morning." Their kiss was too short and too sweet and he wanted more, but Miranda moved away.

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