Here I Come

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When Friday rolled around, Ben opened his front door, he was shocked but glad to see Justin, Paige and Ava standing there. "Hey," he said when they walked into his apartment.

"Hey, Ben," Paige said pulling him in for a tight hug.

"Hi, Uncle Ben!" Ava shouted. He grinned. The girl was truly a bright spot in his life.

Justin held up two bags. "We have Chinese."

"Thank you. I'm starving," Ben told them. Ava was already in his living room, pulling out her favorite things. "You're not eating, Ava?"

Paige shook her head. "She had something already."

Ben knew that he wasn't being much of a host, but, thankfully, his friends didn't mind. They talked around him and he nodded and answered in the right places. His goddaughter wandered over to him and climbed into his lap. She grabbed his face in her tiny hands. "Are you okay, Uncle Ben?" She asked.

Ben inhaled and gave her a quick smile. "I don't feel all that good, baby," he admitted. "But I'll be okay."

"You wanna take a nap? Daddy can read you a story! That makes me feel better."

The adults laughed. "That is a great idea. Thank you." He hugged her and kissed her cheek as she slid down. "Your daughter is amazing."

"We know," Justin and Paige said together. They looked at each other, smiling. A pang in Ben's heart stretched to his stomach. He wanted that again. And he wanted it with Miranda. He stood up, grabbed his keys and headed to the door.

"Wait, where are you going?" Paige asked taking a sip of her tea.

Ben slipped into his sneakers. "To Miranda's. I'm not leaving until she talks to me."

"It's about damn time," Justin said holding up his beer.

Ava turned in his direction. "You're leaving?"

"Yes," Ben said walking over to her. "But how about I pick you up from school one day and we go somewhere fun? How does that sound?"


He hugged her again before going over to Paige, kissing the side of her head. "Thank you for the food and the company. I know it was your idea," he told her. He looked at Justin. "Lock up please."

"Go and get your woman, sir," Justin said as they slapped hands.

Before he went to Miranda's, he picked up some cheesecake slices from her favorite spot just as it was closing. Sitting outside of her house again, he called her, taking a deep breath each time it rang.



"Don't sound so surprised. You called me." Her sharp tongue made his heart flip in his chest. He'd missed it and would miss it if they couldn't get past this. "What do you want, Benjamin Warren?"

"Uh, I wanted to know if we can talk."

"I said I would call you."

"Miranda, please."

"What could you have to say that you haven't said already?"

Why did she always have to be right? "Please just let me try," he told her in a firm voice. "I'm outside."

"I know. Door's open." Ben got out of the car and hurried up her walk. Pushing the door, he stepped inside her home. Everything looked exactly the same from the last time he was there, but everything was so, so different. Miranda was sitting on the sofa, with a foot tucked beneath her.

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