Ain't No Right Way

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Paige stayed at the hospital so that they could run the full gamut of tests to make sure nothing else was wrong. While she was there, Been took care of Ava. It was a nice glimpse into what could be his future as a dad. The girl adored him and he felt the same way. The envy he felt for Knox and his family nudged at him in the quiet moments. He really wanted what the older man had. It was also a good distraction from Miranda leaving him high and dry. He'd tried to contact her so much that whenever he picked up his phone, his fingers automatically tried to call her. He didn't know what was going on. She'd pulled away so fast, he'd gotten whiplash. They'd been so close one moment and the next, she was gone. It had only been two days, but he felt like it had been forever. Ben kept his eyes open for as he walked the halls, looking around corners for her distinct figure and familiar voice. He genuinely missed her.

At the end of the week dropped Ava off at school and drove around, not sure of where he was going, but just wanting to be on the move. He picked up some food and headed home. Making one wrong turn and then another, he suddenly found himself in front of Miranda's house. Her car was in the driveway, so she was most likely home. Instead of calling, he cowboyed up and went to her door. Before he could leave, cursing his dumb idea, he was ringing the doorbell. "Shit," he said trying to calm himself. She'd been right he was hard-headed. Ben laughed at himself. After a minute, he walked back toward his car and saw Miranda heading toward her home. His eyes glanced at her, dressed all the way down in a sweatshirt, leggings and sneakers. When she took off her hood, he saw that she was also sweaty and that turned him on. She smiled, shaking her head. "Hi."


Ben gestured to her sneakers. "Just came back from a run?"

"A walk."

"Nice. You look good." Miranda nodded, barely making eye contact. And it was making him so mad. He just wanted to rush her and pick her up, push his face into her neck and kiss her. Just hugging her would suffice. Instead, he stuffed his hands in his pocket. "I, uh, guess you're wondering why I'm here."

"Well, I'm the one who lives here, so..." she said opening her front door and walking in. Ben debated whether or not he should follow her. "Do you want to come in?"

He nodded, "Yes."

The house was mostly dark except for a random light shining somewhere. "Sorry to just pop up, but I was concerned." He shifted his weight uncomfortably. Worrying about her was one thing, but just showing up with another thing. Had he overstepped? "You haven't returned any of messages or calls," he said pleading his case.

"It's only been a few days."

"A few days too long," he told her taking a few steps in her direction. "Did I say something? Do something?" Ben bopped his head around. "Or not say something or not do something?" Miranda shook her head and pulled off her hoodie. Her tank top got stuck and he took a long look at her skin and all he wanted to do was kiss her stomach and run his hands over her body.

"You've been great."


"I just got divorced, Ben."

His heart tumbled into his stomach. Where was she going with this? "I know."

"And I'm not sure that I have the bandwidth to start something new with a guy like you."

Ben took his hands out of his pocket and touched her hand. "What do you mean 'a guy like me'?"

"A good guy. A guy that looks at me the way you do. A guy who makes me feel like you do." Miranda inhaled as he put an arm around her waist. "A guy who c-could be something, but I don't know...," she whispered, touching his beard. He had her. All he had to do was... "I don't know if I'm ready for that." She poked out her bottom lip a little. "It's kind of why I stopped replying. I was scared—I am scared of how much I actually like you."

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