Fun Day

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After she stumbled through an explanation, Miranda and Ben decided to meet at the large county park that was smackdab between their two locations. Looking into the mirror, he'd settled on a pair of black basketball shorts with a white t-shirt on top of a white A-shirt. He slipped into his sneakers, grabbed Ava and headed out of the door. They stopped at the store to get some stuff to throw on the grill, sides, drinks and things. If they were going to have a day at the park, he was going to make sure they had all of the necessities.

"Hey, you remember Dr. Bailey and Tuck, don't you?" The five-year-old nodded. "Well, we're going to spend the day with them, if that's alright?"

"Yes! Are they coming tomorrow?"

"Maybe," he said hopefully, watching the girl's small face grin. "They might."


"Yay!" He said mimicking her.

Arriving at the park, the two of them got out of the car and Ava picked up one of the balls he'd bought and kicked it around. For some reason, his stomach was all over the place. It had been a few days since he'd last seen Miranda and he couldn't wait to hold her and kiss her. That's how it always felt when they spent time apart—like he'd be seeing his girlfriend for the first time and it made him nervous. Amid his musings, he looked over the top of his car spotting the people he instantly recognized as Miranda's parents. His nervousness multiplied. He'd spoken to them a few times when Miranda was on the phone with them, but seeing them in person was a totally different thing. They were standing several cars away. Her dad, William Bailey, appeared exactly like his pictures, tall and handsome. And Elena Bailey, regal-looking and beautiful and very "no-nonsense" was standing next to him.

Ben waved as he and Ava walked over to them. "Hi, Elena and Bill?" He asked with a genuine smile.

"That's us," Miranda's father said as he shook their hands.

"I'm Ben. Miranda has told me so much about you guys."

"Has she now?" Elena asked. Ben nodded. "Hmmph.

Bill cleared his throat at his wife's response. "We've heard a lot about you, too, Ben."

"All good things, I hope."

"Remains to be seen," Elena responded. "But, uh, who is this adorable little girl?"

"Right, right. This is Ava." He leaned down so that he was eye-level with the girl. "Ava, these are Dr. Bailey's parents."

He watched them wave at her. "You are so pretty," the older man said.

"And I bet you're smart as a whip," the older woman told her with eyes that reminded him of Miranda. Oh, so she does show emotions, Ben thought.

Ava nodded. "Yes! I'm in the Kinnergarden."

"Ava!" Tuck ran over to them and hugged her. "Hi, Ben!"

"My buddy," Ben said with a smile holding out his hand for the boy to slap before the two kids ran off to the jungle gym leaving Ben with no buffer. He looked around for Miranda and saw that she was still a ways away probably coming from the bathroom. "So, um, how was your trip?"

"Very... um, sudden," Bill answered. The two of them chuckled together.

Ben observed that Miranda's father had immediately warmed up to him, but Elena hadn't cracked a smile with her eyes or lips in his direction. How did she hate him already? He hadn't even gotten a chance to say or do anything ridiculous. "Well, I'm glad that you two could make it," he said as Miranda walked toward them making his heart stop.

She looked gorgeous with her hair pulled up into a ponytail and pair of blue jeans that sat perfectly on her hips. A black well-fitting t-shirt hugged her body stopping right at the top of her butt. Ben closed his eyes for a second. "I saw Tuck running with his best friend, Ava, so I knew you guys were here," she said ignoring his eyes on her body. She pulled him in for a hug and he fell into it holding her tightly.

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