You Are My Life

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Ben took a deep breath and knocked on Chief Webber's door. "Come in." He smiled and walked into the large room. "Warren! How are you?"

"I'm good, sir. How are you?"

"I'm doing alright. It's a good day. What can I do for you?" Richard motioned to an empty chair.

Ben rubbed his beard. "I know you guys have your intern class already, but I was wondering if I could make a personal plea to you to make a spot for me or... or reconsider my application." He sighed. "Or to... find something somewhere." He was desperate at this point. He didn't want to be away from Miranda, not for any amount of time.

Richard cleared his throat. "That's not my department. I... I have no say, really. I'm sorry."

Nodding, Ben said that he understood. "Thank you. And thank you again for the recommendation. It's been useful."


"I got into UCLA. That's probably where I'm going to land."

The older man grinned. "Well, damn, that's a great program."

"It is."

"I know a few people over there, so anything I can do... let me know."

Ben honestly liked the older man. Maybe he was nice because of Miranda, but Richard had really taken him under his wing; especially once he'd found out that Ben was becoming a surgeon. "What, uh, what did Miranda say?"

"I haven't told her yet," he admitted. "I wanted to see if I could sway you first."

The two men laughed together. "Hey, if it were up to me, you'd be the first in line," Richard said sticking out his hand. Ben shook it and headed for the door, cursing internally. "Warren?"

"Yes, sir?"

"Tell Bailey, yeah?"

"Yes, sir."

Nights later, Ben finished getting dressed and put on his shoes. He and Miranda were going out for their ten-month anniversary. She'd called it "nonsensical". You celebrate years, not months. But when he told her his plans, she changed tunes, her enthusiasm rising to match his. He took a long look in the mirror and ran a hand down his dark blue suit jacket and pants, wondering if he should put on a tie or just leave his white long-sleeved shirt open at the top. Slipping a belt on, he gave a nod to mirror Ben, pleased. After spraying on some cologne, he grabbed his car keys and his wallet and was gone.

The entire way to Miranda's house, his stomach was going crazy. He still hadn't told Miranda about his choice to go to UCLA. And it was eating him alive. He hated keeping this from her, but he was still holding out hope, foolishly, that maybe something closer would open up. And on top of that, a few weeks ago, Ben had picked out an engagement ring. He hadn't gone looking for one per se, but inside of the jewelry store, he found a ring that would look perfect on her finger. And ever since then, it had been burning a hole in his pocket. The phrase asking her to be his was always on the tip of his tongue.

When Miranda opened the door, she was still in her robe and he could only shake his head. He wouldn't have it any other way, waiting for her. "I am almost ready."

"I've heard that before." He leaned down to kiss her lips. "It's not like we have reservations or anything," he laughed. "Happy Anniversary."

"I'm ignoring your slick comment. Happy Anniversary," she said. "You look good, hon. I like the 'no-tie' thing. It's very sexy."

Ben blushed hard. "Thank you, babe. You look good, too, but come on."

Miranda rushed to the stairs. "I'm coming. I'm coming," she said over her shoulder.

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