Countryhumans & child reader (long-)

84 3 8

Published: January 8th, 2021

Edited: July 8th 2021

Major edit: 21/4/22

Ok small disclaimer, this does contain self deprecating thoughts, etc, if you are struggling with depression (the one where you just can't get up, not the romanticized one), or suicidal thoughts or anything else, I'm always open to talk, but I'm not always on the website version of wattpad. If you need a better way to contact me it would be through reddit or my Twitter. If you want those socials or my discord, just ask me ok? I'm not a professional, if you have any thoughts of offing yourself or hurting yourself talk to them, I can only help you so much. Also this has some texting in it, which has some stereotypical names for them, ex. ChingChong tech™️ <- that's China lol-

(Y/n) pov

I woke up in the forest. I felt something running down my face, on the left side of it to be specific. I moved my hand to touch whatever the fuck was going down my face, and when I moved my hand away I saw black goop dripping down my hand. I looked for something to cover it and saw a (f/c) bag a few feet away from me (think like half of a meter if you don't know feet). After I walked over to it and rummaged through it I found a black (you can change the color if you want, but black means that it won't stain.) eyepatch and put it on. I then slung the bag over my shoulders, and started to walk forwards.

Time skip!

As I walked through the forest I looked around myself, noticing the beautiful orange and red leafs start to fall with the start of autumn. I was getting tired and so I looked around to try and find somewhere to rest for a bit. Soon enough I found an ok-ish tree to sleep in. I climbed the tree, being careful with what branches I stepped on, and found a good branch for me to nap on. I sat near the trunk and leaned onto it, slowly falling into a deep slumber.

Canada's POV

"Come on ame! It'll be fun!" Aussie said as he was trying to get America to go find some weird animals for some unknown reason. "You called almost getting killed by a spider fun, Aussie! I don't trust you after THAT incident!" America said back. "I'm going to go on a walk guys!" I yelled out to the group, wanting to stretch my legs and get away from the chaos for a bit. "Ok be safe Canada!" New Zealand said with a smile on their face. I gave the Kiwi a nod in response when, "AHHH SPIDER! GET IT OFF OF ME!!!" America screeched out like a middle school girl. "It's fine Meri! It won't bite!" Aussie said reassuringly while chuckling, "YES IT DO!!" America yelled back.

After deciding that it was a good time to go. I started walking down a random path, looking around, the scenery was nice out here. I mean, it was so peaceful and pretty! Scanning my eyes around myself I noticed many things, like a mountain in the distance, a pretty tree with a kid sleeping on one of the branches, aswell as a small stream near a- WAIT A KID SLEEPING IN A TREE? I did a double take and looked back at the tree I saw the kid in. There were no kids as far as I could tell, and plus the kid had a kinda wacky skin color compared to everyone else's here, I mean it was (s/c), no navy blue, strong red, or a surprisingly bright white. I walked over to the tree, the fallen leafs crunching beneath my feet as I moved. When I made it to the tree I had to try and climb the tree, which is not easy to do when you're almost 6 foot (somewhere around a meter, all I remember is that a meter is about equal to 6 feet). When I got to where the kid slept I carefully picked the kid up and climbed back down even more carefully. I looked at them, they had (h/l) (h/c) hair that had some sticks and leafs in it. As I picked out the leafs and sticks I noticed that they had (e/c) eyes, or well Im guessing (e/c) for both eyes as they had an eyepatch covering their left one. I continued my walk, but I did a 180 and headed back towards our camp. When I got to the camp I walked to my tent, then I realized that with all of my siblings ruckus, I should probably ask them to shut up. As I faced the tent I told my siblings to shut up because I had found a kid. The three went quiet. "You found a what now?" America asked, his voice now quieter. "I found a human child." I said calmly as I turned around to face them. I looked over all of them, Aussie sporting a tan sweatshirt and some khaki shorts, small spikes of blue hair, that matched the color of his flag, poked out from under a hat that he stole from America. America had camo pants on, a black sweatshirt with "NATO" on it, his red and white hair was a bit messy, his sunglasses were pulled down a bit by his hand, trying to see if I was serious. Zea on the other hand had a blue sweatshirt on, it matched the color of their flag, aswell as grey pants on, their hair was practically the same as Australias, but with some red in there. Each of their eyes looked at me, then their eyes moved to the child in my arms. "What's their name?" Zea asked me. "I didn't get it because they're sleeping." I started, "We're going to have to head to bed soon, the suns setting. We'll have to notify UN in the morning." I said as I headed into my tent. I laid the kid down on my sleeping bag, freeing my arms so I could grab the extra one I brought. I grabbed my extra sleeping bag and laid it on the ground next to the kid. I took one last glance at the kid before laying down and going to sleep.

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