Countryhumans & Child reader pt 2

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Posted: feb 1 2021

Edited: 21/4/22

Ok small disclaimer, this does contain self deprecating thoughts, etc, if you are struggling with depression (the one where you just can't get up, not the romanticized one), or suicidal thoughts or anything else, I'm always open to talk, but I'm not always on the website version of wattpad. If you need a better way to contact me it would be through reddit or my Twitter. If you want those socials or my discord, just ask me ok? I'm not a professional, if you have any thoughts of offing yourself or hurting yourself talk to them, I can only help you so much.

(Y/n) pov:

Canada, America and I were at the park. There were some woods nearby the swings and stuff. "Hey guys I'm gonna go do my duolingo aight?" I said to Canada and America. "Alright don't go far!" Canada said giving me a small pat on my head. "Bye!" I said, heading into the woods. I found myself hanging in a tree doing my German lessons, doing some <language> here and there aswell.

I heard footsteps nearing as I stopped laughing. I got down from the tree and looked at where I heard the footsteps from. "Hello?" I said, trying to figure out who it was. When a certain German country came up. "Was?" He asked looking for me before I stepped out from behind the tree. "Guten Tag Deutschland!" (Good day -formal hello- Germany!) the German country looked at me for a second before saying, "oh du musst sein (y/n)!" I looked at him confused. "Was? Es tut mir leid, ich spreche nur ein bisschen deutsch." (What? I am sorry, I speak only a bit of German). Germany facepalmed before saying, "You must be (y/n), I haven't seen you before." In a German accent that I could barely comprehend. "Yes I am!" I said. "Was that German you were practicing?" He asked me, "Ja, mein Freund." (Yes my friend). The German let out a chuckle before a loud Canadian voice yelled out, "(Y/N)!" I looked at the German before saying, "ahem, HON HON HON OUI OUI?" Germany let out a laugh, before I said that I had to go.

On the walk back I was extremely confused as I hadn't really heard much from- "what? Ya miss me that much? Remember you're forcing yourself to think this." It then continued to insult me. A small tear slid down my face as the voice wrapped itself around my head. "Oh don't you cry you little bitch baby. You've always been a crybaby you can never stop! All they're gonna do is use it against you!" The voice croaked.

I wiped away the tear as I exited the trees. I waved to the Canadian and jogged over to him. America soon walked back over to were Canada and I were, "Russia's almost here, he said he had to go shopping and it would've been easier if he just picked her up here." He said looking up from his phone. "Germany spotted me and we had a small talk." I said as I walked over to the swings. "Ugh don't tell me y'all were speaking NaZi~ again." America said jokingly as the park was mostly empty. Canada smacked the back of the Americans head. "Who said that I was speaking Nazi?" A certain German voice said as he popped out of the woods. "Hallo Deutschland!" (Hello Germany!)

I said as I continued to swing.

Germany plopped himself down on the swings. An idea popped into my head and I decided to challenge him to a swinging race. "Whoever gets the highest when one of them says stop wins!" I said before realizing that America and Canada weren't paying attention. "Wait since they aren't paying attention, when one of them says something about Russia we stop." I said "Why Russland?" (Russia) he asked me. "Because Russia is coming here to pick me up." I said as I slowed down so that we could start evenly. "Ahhh makes sense." he said.

"Ready. Set. Go!" I said as we started swinging. "Yeah,shits been weird as fuck lately." "what do you mean Ame?" "Well Canada, have you even looked at reddit? All of the Americans are making 'Americans are stupid' memes! This is so stupi- *ding!* oh Russia's here."

"stop!" I said to Germany as I heard America say something about Russia. Canada turned and looked at us when he heard stop, "what are you guys doin'? Also Russia's almost here." "We know! We were having a swinging race!" I said and Germany and I stopped our swings. "Привет Америки." (Hello America.) I heard a Russian voice say. "Hey, ya commie." America said as he got up from his seat. Russia shot him a death glare as America glared the Russian back, "why does (y/n) have to go with you?" Ame asked rudely.

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