Countryhumans & reader

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So for a while I had an idea where like the reader and the Countryhumans are from separate universes but when they sneeze or cough at the same time they switch places.

Posted: 14/2/22 (DD/MM/YY)


Words in total: 2069

(Y/n) pov

'ACHOO!' I let out a sneeze. I looked up from my desk and went to go back to messing around with whatever the fuck I was doing on my computer, as it was summer and I didn't have much to do. But to my surprise I look up and see a desk that wasn't mine, and it had paperwork on it. "Huh?" I say as I look around. I look down at my hands and see that both of them are red and not the (s/c) they were before. "wha-" I get up and walk to where my (? Was it really my brain? I mean I don't think I'm in my body.) brain tells me there's a bathroom. I look into the mirror and see that I have the Canadian flag for a face. "Oh fuckk-" I say in a wavy voice. "Oh no uh oh this ain't me, I ain't (y/n) anymore-" I start to say under my breath before I cut myself off. I realize my voice isn't mine. "Oh putain oh merde oh non." I said panicked. Wait, I don't speak French. This may be a problem. Wait, I'm in the body of a person thing that has the Canadian flag as a face and speaks French. Does that mean that whoever controls this body is in mine? And I came here when I sneezed, so then does it mean that when the person in this body sneezed I did too and we switched body's? That's cool. I had a feeling that I needed to get that paper work that I saw on the desk done so I headed back to the room I was in and sat down to work.

Time skip brought to you by my love of history and my anger at the lack of WW1 documentary's on Netflix.

I sat at the desk now a few hours later, all of the paperwork done. I neatly folded it up and put it into a binder. I stood up and checked 'my' phone. It was around 13:30. Wait how did I understand that so easily? I'm used to the 12 hour clock not the 24 hour one. Meh, I get a call from a person with the name as 'dumb bitch that I care about' I let out a small laugh as I answered the call. "CANADA WHERE ARE YOU? THE MEETING STARTED 30 MINUTES AGO?" The person on the other end yelled at me with an American accent. So that means that 'my' name is Canada so this is probably USA. "OH SHIT- DUDE I WAS FOCUSED ON THE PAPER WORK I WAS DOING, I'LL BE ON MY WAY SOON LMAO-" I yelled out after realizing the magnitude of what was happening. I decided I would hide the fact that I'm not Canada for as long as I could. "OK JUST BRING THE PAPERWORK TO GIVE TO UN AIGHT." Ame, which 'my' brain tells me to call him, yelled back at me. "AIGHT, ALSO WHY ARE WE STILL YELLING?" I yelled back. "BECAUSE THE MEETING ROOM BE CHOAS LMAO-" America was cut off by a stern, but also faint yell, "ENOUGH! QUIET DOWN! America, is Canada on his way?" I believe that was UN. "Yeah he just got too focused on the paperwork, he'll be here in a bit." America said. "See ya petit homme." (Little Man) I said, "HEY I AM NOT A LITTLE MA-" America got cut off as I hung up the phone. I grabbed the paperwork and quickly changed into something a bit more formal as I was wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt. I hopped into the car and 'my' brain just knew what to do and where to go, even if I was clueless on how to drive. I turned on (artist that you listen to) , while I could tell Canada wasn't into (artist), I sure as hell was. So he'll have to deal with the (artist)'s music on his Spotify/pandora/YouTube account. As I drove to the building that I was supposed to be at I turned on (song) I yelled out the lyrics as I drove and soon arrived at the building and parked the car. I calmed down as I walked from the parking lot and into the building, being greeted by a grey figure. "Heyo." I said as I walked past them. "Good afternoon mr Canada." It said in a robotic tone. "Good afternoon to you too." I said as I walked to the elevator and pressed a button. Floor 53 I think. I held the binder close to my chest. With a small ding I walked out of the elevator and towards a room with clear walls. I entered the room and was greeted with America saying "Look who finally decided to show up." I ignored him and handed the papers to UN and sat where my brain told me to sit. "Now that Canada is finally here we can start the meeting." UN stated, "Today we will be talking about-" the door burst open, cutting off UN, and out came a Napoleonic France, "VIVA LA REVO-" he started to scream before Prussia came out and tackled him, "DU KLEINEN SCHEI-" Prussia was also cut off by multiple guards rushing to the scene to take them back to their rooms. A few seconds of silence passed by before chaos swallowed the room again. UN let out a sigh before burying his head into his hands. I sat there, starting to get annoyed as I kinda wanted to go back 'home' so I could see what this dude watched on YouTube. Soon though I felt a need to sneeze. 'Bruh' was the only thought that passed trough my head before I sneezed once more, and I ended up back at my desk.

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