JJK (mainly Gojo) & trans Masc reader

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Oi oi, this was written mainly for myself, because it was on my Chromebook lmfao, so some of it is like somewhat of an OC ig. Y'all deserve to be fed tho, it's been like two years guys😭😭

(Y/n) is barely used, and mentions of not having top surgery yet

TW: mild(?) description of blood, gore, and loss of loved ones

-AN over-

(Y/n) pov;

I stared ahead blankly, not really listening as Nanami scolded me once more, more focused on the tears threatening to spill. The dam was threatening to break. It would've broken, if one of the other teachers, Gojo, hadn't suddenly appeared, finally taking Nanami's attention off of me. Gojo pulled Nanami away, talking about something to do with Sukuna's vessel. One of Gojo's students? Wasnt the kid dead? But I barely had time to think about that as the tears I had been holding back slowly and silently fell. This prompted me to turn and hurry back to my dorm. I was lucky to make it to my room without crossing paths with anyone. Well, that was until I crossed paths with Ino, who chuckled and made a teasing comment about another sclding fest from Nanami. I ignored him, however. Even when I got to my room I kept my tears and cries silent, the only sound that I allowed myself to make was the faint thump of my fists against my legs. However, if anyone from outside could hear the mix of desperate and hateful thoughts in my mind, it'd be a different story.

Eventually I calmed down enough to fall asleep, curled around a pillow and turned away from the door, an absolute mess as I didn't care to clean upafter my breakdown. When I awoke in the morning, I groaned, and was slow to notice the three people in my dorm. When I did finally notice, I threw on my glasses only to see-

Ah shit its Gojo and his students. The fuck are they doing in my room-

I stared up at the three confused untill I mumbled, "aye, the fuck are yall in my room for?"

I was met with a short, "training," from the kid with black hair, and was startled when he did a weird hand movement and a fucking dog pounced at me. I let out a short screetch, throwing my blanketed arm infront of me. Now, being a fucking menace who sleeps shirtless but with 3 blankets came in handy, giving me adequate padding to block the bite from the dog; however, when a second one appeared I shifted to throw the blanket over both dogs. That left me exposed, having just been in some sweatpants and my sports bra, the kid who summoned the dogs was seemingly flustered and turned away, un-summoning the dogs, the one girl was confused, and Gojo just stood there with his hands on his hips. The girl then pulled out a hammer and some nails. I stared at her, bewildered, and threw my pillow, which was a memory foam one, at her as hard as I could. The pillow hit her and she stumbled back.

Gojo stared at me before chuckling and clapping, "you didn't use a cursed techinque or leave your bed, and yet you still managed to beat my students. I'm surprised Nanami talks you down so much." I stared at him confused, "what-" however he cut me off, "Well, this is Nobara Kugisaki and Megumi Fushiguro, while Nanami is out doing whatever, you're joining us." he said, pointing to the respective person. Gojo then turned to his students, "Guys, this is (Y/n), he will be joining us." The two stared at Gojo confused, the Fushiguro kid didn't dare look at me, but the girl did, she looked between me and Gojo, then very loudly exclaimed, "HE?" I stared at her blankly, before chuckling and nodding, "yeah, I havent gotten top surgery yet." I said calmly and stood from my bed, throwing on a random shirt.

Fushiguro finally looked at me again but then looked right back to Gojo, "is he.. Replacing Itadori?" Gojo shrugged, "no, usually he's with Nanami, but he's busy, so I'm taking him in. But if you see it that way then I can't stop you." he said somewhat flatly. He then shoo'ed to two out of my room. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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