Prussia x reader ❤️

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Published: 30/6/22


Requested by: @thatsweirdmanlmao

(Y/n) pov

I knocked on my bosses door, hearing a faint "Come in." Opening the door I saw my boss, who I also called my boyfriend, Prussia. I stepped inside and closed the door behind me. Walking over to his desk and put the files I was carrying down. The Prussian man looked up at me, letting out a small sigh he then said, "Meine Taube, how are you doing?" I gave him a small smile and leaned over his desk, giving him a small kiss. "I'm doing good, you?" I asked my boss. He let out a sigh before saying, "I'm doing good, but you know we can't do that here, I could get in trouble." My face turned into a small frown. Prussia looked at me before putting his head in his hands and letting out a muffled, "Don't do this to me Liebe (love)" I giggled a little bit before removing his hands from his face. "It's time to clock out love, let's go home." I said quietly. The Prussian shook his head, "No No, I have to get all of this paperwork done." I let out a small grumble before saying, "I wanna cuddle. You've been getting home at midnight for the past week, what's up with you?" He let out a sigh and shook his head with a small smile on his face, "It's a surprise, Taube. But fine I'll come home early if it'll make you happy." A smile came to my face as I stood up from his desk, "Come on, let's go home."


I opened the door and quickly sat my bags down and took my shoes off. Rushing around the house I grabbed some blankets, and some pillows. I ran back into the living room and threw the items at the couch. I then searched for the remote and started to put the couch together better because why the fuck not lmao. Soon enough I had made the couch as comfy as I could, and soon after that my lover came through the door. "Pruss, it's couch snuggle time!" I said cheerfully. The Prussian man held a small tired smile on his face as he said, "Sure love, but why not the bed?" I narrowed my eyes at him and said, "You get ideas when it's snuggle time in bed." He shook his head as he let out a chuckle. After taking his shoes off he laid down on the couch and laid down next to him. He quickly wrapped his arms around me and buried is head in my neck. I let out a small laugh before grabbing the remote and turning the tv on. I put it on a random channel for background noise as I moved my free hand over his. "What would you do if I proposed to you in public?" I asked Prussia. He let out a small 'hm' before lifting his head slightly and saying, "Well I'd say yes, but I'd rather it not be in public, with the whole me being your boss thing." I let out a small scoff, "Prussia, we were together before you were my boss, it's ok." "Ich weiß, Ich weiß, but not everyone knows that." (I know, I know) He said worriedly, I responded with, "And not everyone will know that you're my boss." Prussia let out a grunt, "How would you feel if I proposed to you in public?" I thought about it for a moment before saying, "I mean I'd be slightly embarrassed. Are you going to propose to me?" "Maybe..." I let out a small laugh, "If that is why you've been working late recently, I- I don't even know what I'm going to do." The Prussian man held me tighter and quietly whispered, "I mean, if I did, would say yes." I managed to turn around in his grip to where I faced him and I gently held his face in my hands. "Of course hun, I'd be stupid if I said no." I then gave him a small peck on the lips. "I mean, besides the whole me loving you thing, I also get tax benefits." Prussia let out a playful scoff, "Of course you'd say something about the taxes." I quietly laughed and buried my head into his chest, saying a muffled, "I love you." He laughed as well before saying, "I love you too."

Teehee, here's you're bonus part bitchesss

3rd pov I guess

(Also the comedy club is basically just a restaurant but there's also like a stage for comedians or bands I guess-)

The Prussian man and his partner sat at a table in the comedy club. "So, why'd you take me here? Usually we eat at home." (Y/n) asked. Prussia looked at (y/n) and said, "There's a reason, just wait." After about 15 minutes, Prussia excused himself so that he could go to the restroom. Now only left with the entertainment of the comedian on the stage, (y/n) started paying attention to what was being said, "So, recently my brother had a wedding and it was out of the country. Now the thing I don't like about travel weddings is the fact that I have to pay for my plan ticket, I mean I don't even want to be there, but the rest of my family is so I also have to be there, but I also have to renew my passport." The crowd let out a lot of laughs before quieting down once more. The comedian then said, "However, I brought up the wedding because tonight I've been told that someone here tonight needed a bit of help to get to the point of having a wedding." the crowd stayed silent as the comedian paused, then Prussia walked out onto the stage and took the microphone, "(y/n), I have been with you for over 4 years, and although we've had our ups and downs we've always been there for each other. I couldn't ask for much more from you except for you to make me the happiest man and be my spouse." (Y/n) started laughing as tears welled up in their eyes as they pulled a black box from their pocket, "God dammit Prussia, I wanted to be the one to do it! But yes! Yes I would love to be your spouse!"


Words in total: 1062

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