❤️The Winged One (Markiplier X Winged Reader)❤️

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(AN please help how do i put bold on a computer please halp me ok never mind i found out how to also fellow suggested this)

Your POV

I was running well flying away from my family. Now I would say sadly I had to leave my favorite sister behind but no, her and i have been planning this for months. They, ALL of them... 


I was laying in bed with Faith (change if you want to) then mom appeared in the door. I whispered in Faiths ear, "Go into my closet and cover your ears." she whispered back, "ok." and then "my mother" hit and kicked me to what seemed like the end of time. She left soon after. I went into my closet to see Faith crying. I hugged her and came up with a plan. get "mom" and "dad" drunk enough to where they pass out almost instantly but quick enough to where they won't do anything bad. Then get the rest of our stuff packed and leave.


And now... that time has come. Faith and I were soaring through the air when BOOM I rammed into a tree. I heard voices and I made sure Faith was ok then... black

Marks POV

I was in the forest walking with Amy (their friends not lovers in this universe for this chapter). We were talking about the types of flowers when we heard a crash. We ran to where we heard it from and there was a (y/h/c) girl with beautiful golden wings with a tiny child in her arms. I looked at Amy, " yes Mark we're going to take them home calm down."  I. WAS. SO. GIDDY!!!! I almost yelled but I didn't as it was in the middle of the night. And so we carried them home.

your POV

I woke up on a couch with a blanket on top of me. I stood up and frantically searched for Faith but soon found her next to me. I sighed a sigh of relief and cuddled up next to her and went back to sleep. I woke up an hour later and made some breakfast. I checked the time it was 6:00 AM. I was a bit surprised but continued to make breakfast. I heard footsteps coming down. I turned around to see a Red-haired male. I quickly said good morning and he said the same back. I laid out the plates as he came back into the kitchen after waking a blonde female and Faith. I sat down by saying, "Hello, my name is (Y/N) and this is Faith." while referencing to her. The Red-haired male replied with, "I am Mark and this is Amy and it is nice to see you." Amy also added, "Thanks for the food it is good." "your welcome."... "we saw your wings they're beautiful."  I almost puked. but then... "MARK!!! *Amy precedes to slap him* WHAT IF SHE DIDN'T WANT ANYONE TO SEE THEM!! SHE PROBABLY THINKS YOU THINK SHE IS A FREAK!!!! YOU FRICKN IDIOT!" Faith was laughing her but off and I was too. "ona ma rację. (she is right.)"Faith said "zgadzam się (I agree)" I said as we talked through our laughter they were still arguing. A   few minutes later they were done arguing Amy apologized for Marks actions. "on jest ok (he's ok) "Och, ty też mówisz po polsku? (Oh, you also speak Polish?)" I was so glad she understood me! "Tak! Zabawne jest to, że Mark jest jedynym, który nas nie rozumie (Yes! It's funny that Mark is the only one who doesn't understand us)"

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