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A lady in dress..

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Ireen stared at the two bickering idiots in front and another two 'trying to be funny but end up burning the other's sleeve' clowns at the side, slowly munching and savoring the sweet-starchy food in her hand. A nudge to her elbow make her turned as she met with Ray who offered another portion, which she happily accepted.

A bump to her head from an idiot next to her startled her as an irk formed, and a long frustration exhale found it's way as she shook her head.

How did this peaceful day got into this? Well it started when she first woke up.

Few hours back....

"Ireen.... Ireen... Wake up..."


"Ireen wake up. It's morning."

"What is it?" Ireen peeked from under her pillow, protecting her vision from the overly bright light with the fabric in hands. She squinted few times because the crustiness between her eyelids were hurting her skin.

"It's morning." The dull and plain voice that belonged to the only female called Mikasa answered her.

Ireen scrunched her eyebrows from the obvious answer. 

"I can see that. Why you wake me up?"

"Train with me." Mikasa blurted out.

"What?" Ireen's eyes went wide.

"I said train with me."


Disbelief, "Mikasa it's a day off. Get back to sleep," Ireen whined. Her eyebrows creased more to give a more dramatic effect as she rejected her.

"No. Train with me."

"What in the world? Fuck off.." Giving up, Ireen turned away laying on her chest and hided her face behind the pillow. She isn't going to deal with Mikasa's request today.

"Ireen, that's vulgar word. Since when you get so cursy?"

"Since you never learn not to disturb me when I am asleep. Leave me alone Mikasa, I'm sleepy."

"But it's 9 in the morning."

"And plenty more hours for me to sleep."

Ireen stay fixed on her bed ignoring the ravenette, hoping she will leave her alone. But the dip on her bed wasn't leaving so she knew Mikasa wasn't giving in.

"You aren't leaving aren't you?" Ireen asked despite feeling annoyed. She turned her body back, head was out from under the pillow.

Grunting, she kicked the ravenette by her ass with her leg. "What's wrong? What's with the sudden request to train with me?"

"I'm bored. And I feel weird for not training for weeks."

"Aren't you guys been training all this time?"

Ireen watched Mikasa looking away, gazing at the empty space as she shifted in her sit. She brought up her scarf to her mouth and cover it.

"Too easy. Hardly give me any trouble. I feel like getting soft."

"You are kidding aren't you?"

"I'm not.."

"You are not a monster Mikasa. Give your body a rest too."

"But some good exercise and training will keep us nimble and agile. It's important to keep training and stay flexible all the time."

"You say like you will forget everything after two days if not constantly doing it. It's all in the muscles memory Mikasa there's no way you can forget them easily."

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