22. Is this the end?

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I run through the snowy woods bare feet and I trip over every possible root untill I finally fall into the snow face first. I roll myself over on the back and gaze at the stars.
What the hell just happened? I ask myself. Was all that real? Or am I hallucinating? What was she? A Medusa? No...In that case I'd be a statue by now.

The slowly moving clouds start covering the night sky and the light of the moon still glows.
What will I do now?

Someone's footsteps can be heard from a far. I slowly sit up and look around. Nothing can be seen. I then lay back down and the footsteps can be heard again. This time I only rise my haid, slowly. I can see a shillouette of a person. Or it could be a bear. I slowly put my head back into the snow and close my eyes. The footsteps get louder and louder untill they stop.

"Are you Ok?" the voice sais. It's a man's voice. It's quivering and quiet like he's got cold. He then places two cold fingers on my throat to probably make sure that I'm alive.

I open my eyes and see Douglas.

"Hi!" I say.

"Aren't you cold? It's freezing out here."

"I'm fine. How'd you escape?" I ask him.

"I came clean. They found out that my wife was behind all this." He sais wife in a sarcastic tone.

"Yeah... About your wife. She kind of attacked me."

"Yeah, I know. They found a camera in your kitchen that recorded the entire thing. I noticed that you got scratched."

"Really? Where? Who put the camera there?"

"She wanted to prove everyone that you aren't an ordinary person and she succeeded. Though she managed to escape."

"Oh. Scratched where?"

He crouches next to me and helps me sit.

"Right here..." he sais running his fingers over my back. It doesn't hurt, but I can feel that there's liquid between my skin and his finges.

"Doesn't that hurt?"

"Not really, no. I habe a question for you."


"Did you willingly marry her or did she force you?"

He sits into the snow and exhales deeply. "Remember the time when I first met you at the hospital? You asked me if I was married and I said yes and that I love my wife. That is the only lie I've told you. I hate that bitch. She first kidnapped me and then forced me to stay."

"With what?"

"My partner's death. When she was caught on that tape my partenr immediately died."

I lean my elbows on my knees and sight. "Sorry to hear that."

"But one good thaing has happened to me."

"Which is?"

"I met a very nice girl."

"What's she like?"

"She has deep brown eyes, same colour hair, I'd guess she loves music and she's practically immune to cold."

He smiles and I start laughing as I realise he's talking about me.

"Now what hapens?" I ask him.

"Now, I think, we need to catch Siwang."

"Mhm. Hey, did you ever notice that Siwang literally means death in Chinese?"

"No. Really?"

I nod and laugh. He does the same as he realises I'm right.
So, what now? I ask myself again. Are we really going to catch Siwang? Does he know about my ice powers? Is this the end? No! This is only the beginning.


Hey, guys.
About the next book. It's going to hapen and I will delete the "author's notes" from the middle of this book.
I'm going to use some S.H.I.E.L.D. in my book, cuz' I can't help it and FBI's too mainstream for me.
If you don't know what that is then google it or something. I'm not judging you, but if you haven't seen agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. then you are missing the fun.
Sorry for the stalling... I will try to keep my timely promisses and please comment... I need some feedback. Otherwise I don't know what to write next.
Peace out!

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