3. Camping in the Jungle.

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I'm close to the coordinates I was given. I look around and all I see are trees and bugs. I set up a small hut out of branches and leaves. The leaves here are as big as cars.

It's almost sundown and it's gone dark. As I sniff around I find a plate with raw ham on it...in the middle of a jungle.

Suspicious much?

It's an ovbius trap but my sence of interest tells me to pick it up and so I do. There's a string attatched to it and it breaks. A rope from under my legs pulls me up a tree upside down.

Great, just great.

"Well hello there," greets me a strange voice from who knows where.


"I haven't seen anything like you before."

A tall man steps out of a bush. I turn around to take a look at him.

Douglas Felcar!

"Who are you."

I try to show him to give me a paper and a pen but it's hopeless. He understands me but ignores the fact that I can't talk.

He pulls a gun out of his person and aims at me. I notice that the gun doesn't use bullets as ammo, but some liquid. He takes a fire at me and I lose consciousness.

I wake up with cold metal plate pushed against my face...It's a table. My hands are chaind behind my back agains the cair I'm siting on. It's an interrication room... a small room with stone walls and one flickering lamp in the cieling.

A small asian man with a huge scar over his face opens a door and yells to somebody: "Sir! She's awake!"

One thing I remeber is that I was an ape before. I'm a human again...for now.

"Well hello there..."

A very deep and a very crackled and a quiet voice comes out of a tall man's face. He's american I'd say. About 6'1 ft. and a very angry looking man. Red hair and a very short goatee. He walks across the room and sits opposite me. I remain staring at him with a resting bitch face.

"You must be miss Frost."

"Again with he miss...What do you want?"

"Nothing. Though, I have something you want..."

"What could You bossibly have that I want?"


I lean on the back of my chair on my hands.

"Answers to what?"

"Well...mostlikely every question about you and your history."

"Oh? If you know so much about me...What's my middle name?"

"You don't use it nor tell anybody about it."

"Not what I asked."


I can feel the shivers crawling up my back and my body hair rise.


"Let's make a deal. You work for me and I'll tell you everything you want to know."

"Before anything hapens I need names. Yours for an example."

"Mine? Don't you know my name allready?"

"I thought you said you know everything that is to know about me, yet you ask this..."

"Right. I'm Douglas Felcar."

"The hell you are."

"Oh? That name's familiar to you, huh?"

"Apparently so."

"Jake Grimshaw."

"Grimshaw's also a familiar name."

"Fine! You are one annoying little girl."

"I wouldn't say little."

"I'm Joseph Smith."

"Nope...don't know that one."

"Good. About that deal..."

"What if I were to say no?"

"I'd cut your head off."

"So that's how you manipulate peopole here."

"So...where are we on this?"


"Good! Austin! Bring the papers!"

"That formal, huh?"


He stands up, walks behind me and releases my hands, hands me a pen and points at the empty slot on the bottom of the paper that Austin had brought. I read the paper...it doesn't make any sence at all. I've got nothing to lose so I sign the paper.

"Yess! Now we have an animal!" He yells as he raises his hands in the air and dance-walks out of the room.

I'm left alone in the small room but in about five minutes the short asian man returns and asks me to follow him. He takes me to a door which sais Felcar on it. Is it Douglas' room?

"Mr. Felcar's going to be your supervisor. You'll stay in his backup room which is the door to the right. You guys will share the same bathroom because the other rooms are full."

"You actually have that many members?"

"Yes. Radioactives are a big organisation."


"Felcar will boss you around now. Enjoy your stay, ma'am."

He practically jog-walks away. Everybody's in a rush today.

I open a door and a typical man's smell reeks out of it. The walls are all sement gray and the floor and the ceiling is of oak wood. There's a queen sized bed by the window and a closet next to it. My door is the same colour as the floor. The bathroom door is the oposite of mine. I imagine how at nights I have to sneak there. Speaking of which....it allready is night. Bed time I guess. Where's Felcar anyway?

I step into my room and I see the same fashion: sement walls and oak wood floor. There is a small lamp in both of the rooms but they don't show light much. The room remains dark. I have a small bed in the corner of the room and a pouffe for clothes next to it. A very small window is up high. I can't reach there without the pouffe. The door opens and scares me. I fall off the pouffe onto the bed. It's Felcar.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Trying to figure out where I am."

"You're in my room."

"Your spare room to be more acurate."

"My room my rules."


"First of all: Who are you?"

His face shows that he's serious. Wait....he doesn't remember me? Right! I was an ape then.

"I'm Eva Ara..ee.. Frost."

"Eva Ara Ee Frost?"

"Just Eva Frost. And don't bother introducing yourself. I know what's your name."

"Good. 1am night peace and 7am awakening. I will wake you up if you aren't awake by then."


I walk up to the door to close it after he leaves and I get a glimps of him removing his shirt.

I close the door and try to get the picture out of my head as I got to bed. The Radioactives provide extra clothes: a black shirt, dark gray pants, some socks (also black), a pair of tank boots and a dark hoodie. I'm guessing by the looks of the colours I'm going to work at nights.

I close my eyes and with a small buzzing noise in the background I fall asleep.

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