13. 1701 Insident.

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I sit onto my bed in the room I was given. The bed is as soft as the one at home. I miss home. I want to go home...but not alone. I hate being alone but yet I am alone.

I hear peopole -- workers and locals -- rush around the place. They reek of fright. Why? Has something hapened? If yes than what?

"Eva!" I hear from the hallway. Emma's calling.

I rush to the door and open it, "Emma! I'm here!"

"Clad you're OK. Douglas' downstairs causing a scene."

"What kind of a scene?" I ask. I'm a little tired for I haven't gotten any sleep at all.

"Well...he went all...nuclear. He's killing, chewing on peopole and spitting 'em out and blood everywhere... We need to go, NOW!"

"Yeah OK. Let's go."

I follow her to the end of the coridor and then stop. I watch her run farther away from me and then I run back to the stairs which are next to my room. I run down the stairs against the flow of peopole. By the time I reach to the floor 1701 (yes, the place is huge) I don't smell the blood anymore. I'm used to it now.


I smell him but I can't hear him. There's no one around. Everyone's evacuated.

"Douglas? Can I speak to you without getting killed?"

Now I hear him. Deep growls echo through my skin, mind and heart.

Someone had shot down the lights and now it's dark.

He steps out of the darkness. His fur is all covered in blood. What had hapened?

"Are you OK?"

He slowly starts walking toward me, growling, and I slowly back off.


I now see what he's doing. He's cornering me. Cutting out my escapes.

I'm between a wall and him, now. There's about a meter between us.


I look into his eyes. They are as dark brown as they were before. I am scared but I used to find safety near him.

"Doug, please..."

This is my very first feeling of fright... I've never been afraid before. I've allways been the strong wolf of the family but now I'm the weak one.

He reaches his arms out and pushes me against the wall. He exhales through his nose into my face and closes his eyes.

He changes back and everything move so fast -- I find myself in his arms. He's hugging me.

"I am so sorry. I shouldn't have scared you like that. Will you ever forgive me?" he asks tightening his gripp.

I put my arms around him gently to avoind hurting him.

"Ofcourse..." I reply leaning ma face onto his shoulder. My eyes tear up and I just let them run. They flow into his shirt but he seems to ignore it.

"What hapened?" I ask with a quivering voice.

"They lied. They are lieing us. Their main priority is killing you."

"What? Why?"

"Because you seem to be in their way of getting to the actual RN base."

"What? Where are we now, than?"

"I have no clue but we need to get out of here as fast as we can. I am, again, sorry for scaring. I don't know what got into me I..."

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